Training and Workshops means reasonable and necessary costs of training related to Project implementation, including the fees of educational or other institutions that provide training, costs related to attendance or organization of conferences, seminars, study tours and workshops, and the trainees’ cost of travel, boarding, lodging and per diem allowances.
Training and Workshops means the reasonable cost of: (i) training materials and rental of training facilities and equipment; (ii) tuition fees, travel, accommodation and per diem of trainers and trainees; and (iii) any other expenses related to training (including study tours and workshops) to be carried out under the Project; and
Training and Workshops means the reasonable costs of training, workshops and conferences conducted in the territory of the Recipient, or, subject to prior approval by the Association, attended abroad by the Recipient’s and the EFMS’s officials and staff in connection with the Project, including the purchase and publication of materials, rental of facilities, course fees and travel and subsistence of trainees.
Examples of Training and Workshops in a sentence
Category 1 Goods; Equipment 1,790,000 100% of total expenditure claimed* 5 Consulting Services; Training and Workshops 1,210,000 3,000,000 100% of total expenditure claimed* TOTAL Exclusive of taxes and duties imposed within the territory of the Recipient.
More Definitions of Training and Workshops
Training and Workshops means training and workshops conducted in the territory of the Recipient, including purchase and publication of materials, rental of facilities, refreshments, consumables, course fees, and travel and subsistence of trainees.
Training and Workshops meansreasonable expenditures (other than those for consultants’ services) incurred by the Recipient to finance transportation costs and per diem of trainers and trainees, rental of training facilities and acquisition of training material needed for the implementation and supervision of the Project.
Training and Workshops means the reasonable costs of training and workshop activities under the Project, based on the Annual Work Plans and Budgets accepted ex-ante by the Association, including preparation and reproduction of training materials, rental of facilities, reasonable transportation costs, per diem of trainers and trainees (if applicable), and any other expenses directly related to course preparation and implementation.
Training and Workshops means educational programs financed under Project activities, including purchase of course fees, training materials, rental of training facilities, health insurance for travel abroad, per diem and related travel costs.
Training and Workshops means the reasonable costs incurred by the Recipient, and included in the Annual Work Plans and Budgets accepted ex-ante by the Association, for trainings and workshops carried out under the Project, including purchase, translation and publication of materials, rental of facilities, course fees, workshop supplies, rental of equipment, reasonable honorarium/stipend of resource persons, and travel, accommodation and subsistence of participants, but excluding fees of consultants.
Training and Workshops means the reasonable costs of trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences and study tours, conducted in the territory of the Recipient and/or overseas, including: (a) the fees of training institutions and courses;
Training and Workshops means the costs associated with meetings, seminars and training sessions, including travel and subsistence costs for participants, costs associated with securing the services of trainers and seminar speakers, rental of facilities, preparation and reproduction of training and seminar materials, and other costs directly related to meetings, seminars and training preparation and implementation;