Joint legal custody definition

Joint legal custody means that the parents share the decision-making rights,
Joint legal custody means that the parents share
Joint legal custody means that the parents share the decision-making rights, responsibilities, and authority relating to the health, education and welfare of the child, and, unless allocated, apportioned, or decreed, the parents shall confer with one another in the exercise of decision-making rights, responsibilities, and authority;

Examples of Joint legal custody in a sentence

  • Joint legal custody means the following decisions must be made by both parents: Changes to the minor’s legal name, where the minors attend school, permission to attend events where parental permission is required, doctors, dentists, orthodontists and other health specialists, out-of-state and out-of-country travel, and extracurricular activities impacting both parents’ time with the children.

  • Joint legal custody of children is normally inappropriate in parallel parenting situations.

  • Joint legal custody is not in the best interests of the child(ren).

  • Choose either Option A, Sole legal custody, or Option B, Joint legal custody) [ ] A.

  • The order shall provide one of the following legal custody arrangements, in the order of prefer- ence: (A) Joint legal custody.

More Definitions of Joint legal custody

Joint legal custody means the condition under which both parties share legal custody and neither party’s legal custody rights are superior, except with respect to specified decisions as set forth by the court or the parties in the final judgment or order.
Joint legal custody means that both parents have equal rights and responsibilities, including the right to participate in major decisions determining the child's upbringing, including education, health care, and religious training.
Joint legal custody means both parents have equal legal rights and responsibilities for the child. These include making decisions about medical care, education, extracurricular activities, and religious instruction.
Joint legal custody means both parents have equal rights and responsibilities for
Joint legal custody means that both parents shall share the right and the responsibility to make the decisions relating to the health, education, and welfare of a child.
Joint legal custody means that both parents have equal rights and responsibilities, including the right to participate in major decisions determining the child’s upbringing, including decisions regarding the child’s education.
Joint legal custody means the parents are required to share the decision-making rights, responsibilities and authority relating to the health, education and general welfare of the child/ren. The court will award joint legal custody unless you can prove it would not be in the best interest of the minor child/ren for the other parent to share decision-making rights.