E-Signature means the process of attaching to or logically associating with an Electronic Transmission an electronic symbol, encryption, digital signature or process (including the name or an abbreviation of the name of the party transmitting the Electronic Transmission) with the intent to sign, authenticate or accept such Electronic Transmission.
Signatory means an individual who authenticates a record and is bound by its terms.
Digital Signature means authentication of any electronic record by a subscriber by means of an electronic method or procedure in accordance with the provisions of section 3;
Your Signature (Sign exactly as your name appears on the face of this Note) Signature Guarantee*: * Participant in a recognized Signature Guarantee Medallion Program (or other signature guarantor acceptable to the Trustee).
Authorised Signatory means, in relation to any Obligor, any person who is duly authorised and in respect of whom the Administrative Agent has received a certificate signed by a director or another Authorised Signatory of such Obligor setting out the name and signature of such person and confirming such person’s authority to act.
Employee Signature Date: Supervisor Signature: Date: