Examples of Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues in a sentence
Upon receipt of Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC) approval, HAs are responsible for the confirmation of visiting physicians and specialists and the scheduling of local outreach visits.
The Group has launched relevant policies and measures for environmental protection, with an aim to optimising emission management and enhancing efficient use of resources.
The Ministry of Health administers the RSLP in accordance with policies and guidelines established by the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC).
The Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC) is the governing body for MAiDTTAP.
The term “Joint Collaborative Committees” refers to the three Joint Clinical Committees and the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues.
The joint committees include the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, the General Practice Services Committee, the Specialist Services Committee, and the Shared Care Committee.
A request was made to the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC) to include GPAs in the rural locum program.
This policy is guided by principles set forth by the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC) and, where applicable, is intended to be consistent with, but not duplicate other programs.
A major drawback associated with these techniques is their inability to handle highly non-linear parameters.
The Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC), a joint committee of Doctors of BC, Ministry of Health and Health Authorities, oversees a comprehensive set of programs to attract and retain physicians in rural BC.5 It is the goal of the JSC to enhance the availability and stability of physician services in rural and remote areas of the Province by addressing some of the unique and challenging circumstances faced by physicians in these areas.