Examples of Jonah crab in a sentence
Any vessel of the United States that fishes for, possesses, or lands American lobster or Jonah crab in or harvested from the EEZ must have been issued and carry on board a valid Federal limited access lobster permit.
It is unlawful to take or possess a Jonah crab measuring less than 4.75 inches across the shell from tip to tip of the posterior-most, longest spines along the lateral margins of the carapace.
The requirement in this paragraph (a) does not apply to: Charter, head, and commercial dive vessels that possess 6 or fewer American lobsters per person or 50 Jonah crab per person aboard the vessel if such lobsters or crabs are not intended for, nor used, in trade, barter or sale; recreational fishing vessels; and vessels that fish exclusively in state waters for American lobster or Jonah crab.
The life cycle of Jonah crab is poorly described, and what is known is largely compiled from a patchwork of studies that have both targeted and incidentally documented the species.
This includes but is not limited to the following trap/pot fisheries: black sea bass, conch/whelk, hagfish, Jonah crab, red crab, and scup.
Commercial fishing in northern Casco Bay is focused on American lobsters, Homarus americanus, rock crab, Cancer irroratus, Jonah crab, C.
As of August 2017, 97,913 lobster and 39,493 Jonah crab have been sampled.
The management of American lobster and Jonah crab in the EEZ is the responsibility of the Secretary of Commerce through the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Based on recommendations from a work group comprising representatives from NOAA Fisheries, state and federal law enforcement, and members of the Board, Draft Addendum XXIX was initiated to consider requirements for electronic vessel tracking for federally-permitted vessels in the lobster and Jonah crab fishery under the authority of the Atlantic Coastal Fishery Cooperative Management Act (ACFCMA).
This rapid and recent increase in landings can be attributed to an increase in the price of other crab (such as Dungeness), creating a substitute market for Jonah crab, as well as a decrease in the abundance of lobsters in SNE, causing fishermen to supplement their income with Jonah crab.