Examples of Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters in a sentence
When Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters are present on the site of a Covered Activity, the proponent of the Covered Activity shall provide a jurisdictional delineation verified by the U.
The Wetland Delineation Report and JD Forms are provided in Appendix H – Section 404 Coordination.Table 4-3 Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters of the U.S. Wetland NumberWetland TypeArea Delineated (acres)Stream NumberStream TypeLength of Stream Delineated (linear feet)Source: Burns & McDonnell, 2017 Based on review of applicable Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) databases, no Outstanding National Resource Water or Exceptional State Waters are located within the Project Area.
The offer of restoration or creation of Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters or riparian woodland/scrub in lieu of some all or a portion of the Wetland Mitigation Fee may be considered for acceptance only if the restoration or creation is determined by the Conservation and Development Director or his designee to be consistent with the HCP/NCCP and Implementing Agreement.
They are required for any federally permitted or licensed activity that may result in a discharge to or filling of streams, wetlands or open waters. Isolated and Other Non-404 Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters Permits are required for impacts to isolated and other non-404 wetlands, isolated streams or other isolated waters.
Singles Playing OrderPlayers should play in order of merit as determined by the team captain.
Location of Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters at Grissom ARB.Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan.
HRSD will be continuing the overall program outlined in the Consent Decree and SOC in FY2012.
With implementation of Mitigation Measure BIO-8 (Protective and Replacement Actions for Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters of the U.S.), fencing would be placed in accordance with the stages of work being implemented in specific areas throughout the Biological Study Area, as feasible, to allow a corridor for wildlife movement along the southern boundary of the Project area.
Delineation of Potential Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters for San Luis Ranch.
On a case-by-case basis, and upon a voluntary offer by the project applicant, the County may accept the restoration or creation of Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters or riparian woodland/scrub in lieu of some or all of the Wetland Mitigation Fee that would otherwise be imposed on an Affected Development Project.