Karma definition

Karma. ^0.13.9",
Karma has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.
Karma literally means "deed" or "act", and more broadly names the universal principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, which Hindus believe governs all consciousness. Karma is not fate, for we act with what can be described as a conditioned free will creating our own destinies. According to the Vedas, if we sow goodness, we will reap goodness; if we sow evil, we will reap evil. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which determine our future. The conquest of karma lies in

Examples of Karma in a sentence

  • The Corporation assumed the gold stream when it acquired the Karma Mine on April 26, 2016.

  • How to achieve and apply clear thinking?6 The quagmire of thought.The doctrine of Karma – Law of Deservance.7 Increase Productivity, reduce stress..

  • Firms may contact Tel Ext 051-90990-2260, E-mail arflog@pac.org.pk or Directorate of Log, ARF PAC Karma District Attock.

  • Firms may contact Tel Ext 051-90990-4295, provmrf@pac.org.pk or Directorate of Log, MRF PAC Karma District Attock.

  • The Corporation was unable to conduct an assessment of the Karma Gold Mine’s internal control over financial reporting in the period between the acquisition date and the date of management’s internal control assessment due to the timing of the acquisition.

  • As was the case in 2016, production is expected to fluctuate throughout the year due to mine plan sequences and the rainy season, with a peak towards the middle of the year.Table 2: Production Guidance, koz (on a 100% basis)*Group-wide production excludes 8,179 oz produced by the Youga mine in 2016, which was sold on February 29, 2016.› Group AISC is expected to continue to decrease to $860-$905/oz due to the full year benefit of Karma, optimisations at Nzema and Tabakoto, and cost reduction programs.

  • Karma Energy Ltd has a Code of Conduct for prevention of Insider Trading in shares and Securities of the Company for its Directors and Designated employees.

  • Note that for N = 0, i.e., a single “reference” coefficient Ai, ET coincides with eu,T defined in [18, Lemma 3.3].

  • The primary asset acquired as part of this transaction was the Karma mine.

  • Unit II The basic concepts of saivism and saktism : Siva, Sakti, Pasu, Pasupati, Vidya, Avidya, Mala, Aava, Karma, Maya, Pasa, Moksa, Pramanas Pratyaksa, (including Pratyabhijha), Aumana and Agama, These concepts will be discussed with special reference to the following schools.

More Definitions of Karma

Karma means action, and 'Yoga', a virtuous life; virtue consists of regulating thoughts, words and deeds in order they do not harm anyone, oneself or the others, physically or mentally, immediately or later. Karma Yoga is living with awareness and performing only noble deeds, all the time. The two aspects of Karma Yoga are:
Karma means action. The law of karma in Buddhism is, therefore, the “law of action” in such a way that one action is the cause for another action. The effected action is then the cause for still another action. It goes on in this way as the chain of cause-and-effect of one’s own activities. There is, however, a belief in popular Buddhism that one’s own actions in the previous life was the cause for one’s social status in this life; and one’s actions in this life will effect the social status in next life.
Karma means deed, work or action. It also refers to a spiritual principle of cause and effect. Hindus believe that an action or deed performed by an individual has future repercussions or consequences. As Hindus believe in reincarnation, this concept of karma is said to influence future births and lives.
Karma means action and 'Yoga' signifies a virtuous life. Actions performed without considering the consequences are born of ignorance. Virtue on the other hand is doing anything in full awareness of the consequences and with care, so that no one, whether the individual himself or the others, is harmed immediately or later. Karma Yoga is a life of contemplation, where every deed is performed with care and awareness. A virtuous way of life is one where every individual in the society is aware of his duties and performs them with diligence. Awareness of the Divine and a virtuous life are inherent in Karma Yoga and it paves the way for realisation of the three imperceptible phenomena of the Divine State, mind and the life energy.

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