Examples of Kitchen Scraps in a sentence
Contract 17-1938, Hauling and Processing Kitchen Scraps, be awarded to D.L. Bins Ltd.
The delegation provided a written submission, on file at Legislative and Information Services. Gilbert re agenda items 5.2 Eastside Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery Select Committee Terms of Reference and 5.10 Kitchen Scraps Processing Mr. Gilbert expressed his opinion, with respect to the Core Area Wastewater Treatment Project, regarding building the public trust, including life cycle costs in budget calculations, and sharing of information between programs, e.g. kitchen scraps.
CARRIED CARRIED Director Mendum reported that the Committee met on November 14 and received reports on the Household Hazardous Waste Program, Illegal Dumping Strategy, Regional Kitchen Scraps Processing, Extended Producer Responsibility – Packaging and Printed Paper, and Hartland North and the Resource Recovery Centre.
CARRIEDOPPOSED Desjardins, Hicks, Isitt, SeatonStaff was requested to report back in December on the re-tendering prior to issuing the Request for Proposal.MOVED by Director Screech, SECONDED by Director Alto, That the following motion be lifted from the table.That staff re-tender the Hauling and Processing Household Kitchen Scraps contract for a two-year term.CARRIED The question was called on the motion.
Brenda Antonson, re agenda item 5.3.3 Kitchen Scraps: spoke in favour of a composting facility at the Hartland landfill were the methane gas would be captured and the kitchen scraps turned into compost, and spoke against trucking the kitchen scraps to Cobble Hill or the mainland.
MOVED by Director Hicks, SECONDED by Director Helps,That the Integrated Resource Management Advisory Committee recommend that the Environmental Services Committee recommend to the Capital Regional District Board that:Contract 17-1938, Hauling and Processing Kitchen Scraps, be awarded to D.L. Bins Ltd.
Don Herriott, re agenda item 5.3.3 Kitchen Scraps: spoke against the CRD and area municipalities depositing kitchens scraps in the Fisher Road Recycling facility, in Cobble Hill, in the Cowichan Valley Regional District.
Attachments:Staff Report: Kitchen Scraps Tipping Fee Rate6.2.21-141City of Victoria - Zero Waste Victoria Update Recommendation:The Environmental Services Committee recommends to the Capital Regional District Board: That this report be received for information.
Discussion ensued on re-bidding to find a less expensive, in-region alternative.MOVED by Director Brownoff, SECONDED by Director Price,That staff be authorized to renew Contract No. 13-1787 - Hauling and Processing Household Kitchen Scraps by one year, to December 31, 2016.
They are requesting a letter of support from Council that would indicate that Council is open to considering a facility in Sooke.A discussion ensued between Mr. Ocejo and the Committee as follows: • Timelines as to the Capital Regional District (CRD) Kitchen Scraps Program as the composting of kitchen scraps is on hold but collection is ongoing• Discussion as to the level of noise produced by a composting facility including trucks and equipment.