Examples of L aw in a sentence
Th e F ede ra l R ese r ve B an k of New Yo r k ( an d any o t h e r F ed- e ra l R ese r ve B an k w h ic h a g r ees t o iss u e sec ur i t ies i n boo k - e n t ry fo r m ) a s fisc a l a ge n t of t h e U n i t ed S t a t es a c t i n g o n be ha lf of Fm HA o r i t s s u ccesso r a ge n c y un de r P u blic La w 103–354 an d, w h e n i n dic a t ed, a c t i n g i n i t s i n divid ua l c a p a ci t y .(2) FmH A or its successor agency under Public L aw 103–354 securit y .
Under New York L aw, with some limited exceptions, "child abuse" means a physical injury which is inflicted by other than accidental means, cruel or unjustifiable punishment, sexual abuse, unlawful corporal punishment, or neglect of child in out-of-home care.
Th is decisio n co n s t i t u t es fi na l a c t io n of t h e S ec r e t ary .( b) Appeal to t he DOL Office of Admin- istrative L aw Judges.(1) Jurisdiction.
All matriculated students ca rrying 12 or more credits born after 1956 are required to submit to the Health Services Office a valid record of immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella, and as of 2008, New Jersey L aw requires that students carrying 12 or more credits must submit an immunization record for Hepatitis B as well.
Definition, Na tur e, Scop e, Ob ject & Gener a l Pr inciples of L aw of Tor t s: Historical Background of law of Torts - Evolution in England and India, Form of Action and its un-codified characters.
This exclusion and limitation do not apply to the extent the Law prohibits us excluding or limiting our liability (including under any statutory or implied representation, condition, warranty, term or guarantee that we are unable to exclude by L aw).
ENHANCEMENT OF JUDICIAL INFORMA- TION DISSEMINATION.Section 103(b)(2) of t he Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 ( Public L aw 101–650; 104 Stat.
I ndeed, in drafting the VCL T , the I nternational L aw Commission (I L C) ‘decided against including a definition of prepara- tory work ...
In Civil L aw, the ju dge has to create the Legal rule if it DOES NOT EXIST, and there were no applicable general principles, or customs.
S.C. 460l–6a note; Public L aw 104–134), or sec- tion 107 of t he Department of t he I n terior andRelated Agencies Appropriations Act, 1998 (16 U.