Examples of Land disturbing activity in a sentence
Land disturbing activity that results in the creation, addition, or replacement of at least five thousand (5,000) square feet of impervious surface area on an already developed site.
Land disturbing activity includes clearing and grubbing for future land development, excavating, filling, grading, building construction or demolition, and pit trench dewatering.
Land disturbing activity includes any activity which may result in soil erosion from water or wind and the movement of sediments into state waters or onto lands within the state, including, but not limited to clearing, dredging, grading, excavating, transporting, and filling of land, excluding agricultural practices.
Land disturbing activity related to certain development approvals prior to July 1, 2012.
Land disturbing activity refers to any activity that results in a change in the existing soil cover (both vegetative and non-vegetative) and/or the existing soil topography including but not limited to, clearing, grading, excavation, demolition, installation of new or improved haul roads and access roads, staging areas, stockpiling of fill materials, and borrow areas.