Examples of Late Call in a sentence
Late Call In = Two (2) occurrences for each day (defined as reporting an absence with less than a one (1) hour notice prior to the start of the employee’s scheduled shift, excluding emergencies).
Late Call In:An absence where staff misses at least two hours of a shift without providing a two-hour notice to an immediate supervisor, unless an unforeseen circumstance were to arise.
CR 23.018-115r2 specifies that the CAMEL No-reply timer (which is started when a call is extended to the destination VMSC) is stopped if the call is subject to Optimal Routeing of Late Call Forwarding.
No Call/ Late Call CancellationsNo show is defined as when the paratransit vehicle arrives at the pickup location within the 20 minute window, waits the required 5 minutes and the rider does not board the vehicle.A late cancellation occurs when the scheduled trip is canceled by the rider less than two (2) hours before the scheduled trip.
The four day call schedule is as follows: Early call, Mid- Call, Late- Call, Golden.
The Late Call team can sign out by 7pm every day to the Night Intern.
A Late Call is a dispatched call for service, or a transit police initiated activity that occurs no less than fifteen (15) minutes in advance of a deputy’s scheduled off-duty time, but which does not resolve until after the scheduled off-duty time.
Sign out is at 6:30AM.*The admitting attending will assign admissions based on the updated sheet given by the Late Call senior.
Additional fees may apply including, but not limited to: De-icing, FBO Handling Fees and/or Late Call out fees, Ramp/Landing fees or Hangar fees, Flight Phone usage, Catering, Ground Transportation, Special Services and/or Event Fees.
Presented by: Aaron AbbottMr. Aaron Abbott began his presentation by reporting that the item was intended to add amended language to the REMSA Late Call Exemption Criteria that is authorized by the District Health Officer.