Examples of Lawful source of income in a sentence
In general, the policy allows for subdivision at a minimum four hectares per lot where a reticulated water supply is not available.
In the state of Wisconsin, protected classes include:Race/Color ReligionAncestry/National Origin AgeSex Disability/HandicapDomestic Abuse Victim Family/Marital Status Sexual Orientation Lawful source of income Domestic Abuse Victims In some cases, a housing provider must consider alternative criteria as a reasonable accommodation to enable an applicant with a disability to establish eligibility.
Lawful source of income includes any Federal, State, or City public or housing assistance toward the payment of rent, such as Supplemental Security Income, Section 8, Veterans’ GI Bill, and others.
Lawful source of income includes any Federal, State, or City public or housing assistance toward the payment of rent, such as Supplemental Security Income, Section 8, Veterans’ GI Bill, and others.To promote fair and equal access to housing, CCHR collaborates with HPD on annual fair housing forums, community events, and tenant resource fairs to inform the public, including older adults, about disability access rights, combating tenant harassment, and lawful source of income discrimination.