layout plan means a plan of the project depicting the division or proposed division of land into plots, roads, open spaces, amenities, etc. and other details as may be necessary;
layout plan means a plan indicating such information relevant to a land development application and includes the relative locations of erven, public places, or roads, on land intended for development, subdivision or consolidation, and the purposes for which the erven are intended to be used read with any notation or conditions contained thereon;
layout plan. Means the master plan including any modification or alteration thereto for the Project prepared by Lessee in accordance with the provisions contained in this Agreement and got approved from NRDA and the competent authority.
More Definitions of layout plan
layout plan means a plan approved by the competent planning authority; "lintel" means a beam supporting walling over an opening or recess;
layout plan means a plan of the entire site showing location of plots / building blocks, roads, open spaces, entry / exits, parking, landscaping etc. indicating the activity for all land parcels.
layout plan means a plan of the entire site showing location of plots/ building blocks, roads, open spaces, entry/ exit, parking, landscaping etc. indicating activity of all land or partial;
layout plan means a detailed plan showing the manner in which a parcel of land is to be subdivided and used;
layout plan means the site plan annexed hereto as Annexure “A”.
layout plan means a plan indicating information relevant to a land development application and the land intended for development and includes the relative location of erven, public places, or roads, subdivision or consolidation, and the purposes for which the erven are intended to be used;
layout plan means a plan indicating information relevant to a land development application and the land intended for development and includes the relative locations of erven, public places, or roads, subdivision or consolidation, and the purposes for which the erven are intended to be used read with any notation or conditions contained thereon as contemplated in Form COT: F/5 of this By-law, as may be amended from time to time;