Examples of Legal Entity Identifier Regulatory Oversight Committee in a sentence
Further information on LEIs, including answers to frequently asked questions, can be found on the Legal Entity Identifier Regulatory Oversight Committee and Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation websites.
Dersom evalueringene viser at politiet har nådd målene sine, og oppnådd den ønskede effekten.
Coaches will review with their teams the expectations of student leaders and will discuss with their teams how these leaders are selected.
The investment firm shall ensure that the length and construction of the code are compliant with the ISO 17442 standard and that the code is included in the Global LEI database maintained by the Central Operating Unit appointed by the the Legal Entity Identifier Regulatory Oversight Committee and pertains to the client concerned.
For example, a direct intermediary would be providing clearing services to an indirect intermediary where it accepts a customer’s derivatives that were originally submitted by a customer to the indirect intermediary and submits it to a regulated clearing agency.• “Global Legal Entity Identifier System” means the system for unique identification of parties to financial transactions developed by the Legal Entity Identifier Regulatory Oversight Committee.
When editing both emails and letters, what are some things you should double-check?• that the main five parts are included (header, greeting, message body, closing, and signature)• correct spelling• proper punctuation• proper grammar Extension ActivityHave students brainstorm a list of additional greetings (Hi, Hey, Good morning, etc.) and closings (Love, Thank you, Talk to you soon) that they can use in letters and emails.
Member States shall also ensure that legal entity identifiers are developed, attributed, and maintained using uniform global operational standards, are subject to the governance framework of the Legal Entity Identifier Regulatory Oversight Committee and are available at a reasonable cost.
Progress Report by the Legal Entity Identifier Regulatory Oversight Committee.
The ROC will endorse certain pre-Local Operating Units to issue pre-LEIs. We consider a pre-LEI to be an interim entity identifier for the purposes of the derivative transaction rules (reporting).Note: See LEI ROC, Legal Entity Identifier Regulatory Oversight Committee makes progress in the establishment of the Global LEI System and produces key decisions for Interim Global System, 19 June 2013 (PDF 16 KB).
In particular, ESMA is involved in the Legal Entity Identifier Regulatory Oversight Committee (LEI ROC) and in the CPMI-IOSCO work on Harmonisation of OTC derivatives data for the purpose of global aggregation of data reported to Trade Repositories (Harmonisation WG).