Examples of Legal Name in a sentence
Go now to your Supplier Profile in this eBid System and confirm that your profile reflects your "Legal Name" as it is listed on your W9.
Please note that you will be identified publicly by the Legal Name under which you respond to this solicitation unless you organize otherwise with TIPS after award.
The file should be named “Disclosure of Pending Applications.” The applicant’s Legal Name on the application must match the entity named on the disclosure of pending applications statement.
The file should be named “Disclosure of Pending Applications.” The applicant Legal Name on the application must match the entity named on the disclosure of pending applications statement.
Municipal Political Party Committee Legislative Leadership Committee Full Legal Name of Recipient Address of Recipient Date of Contribution Amount of Contribution Type of Contribution (i.e. currency, check, loan, in-kind) Contributor Name Relationship of Contributor to the Vendor If this form is not being completed electronically, please attach additional contributions on separate page.Remove ContributionClick the “Add a Contribution” tab to enter additional contributions.