Examples of Levels of performance in a sentence
Levels of performance are described without a predicate for teaching and service; in these areas, they represent minimal expectations.
Levels of performance are included in this plan to support self-reflection, structure professional conversations between Educators and Evaluators to enhance professional practice, and rate evidence of instruction per the Educator Evaluation Plan.
Levels of performance used to evaluate individual critical elements and derive a final summary rating; DOE’s rating levels are Exceeds Expectations (EE), Meets Expectations (ME), and Fails to Meet Expectations (FME).
Levels of performance are included in this plan to support teacher self-reflection, inform and structure professional conversations between Teachers and Evaluators, and suggest areas for further learning.
The employees are sufficiently empoweredand such work environment propels them to achieve higher Levels of performance.
Levels of performance in memory are comparable to previous studies (Adams & Gathercole, 2000; Siegel, 1994) and in line with standardised scores for language abilities.
Levels of performance can be identified and a set of criteria, such as practice standards or behaviours, can be mapped to a common capability framework.
Levels of performance are designated by the use of the traditional A, B, C, D and E markings.
When a probationary, interim, or annual rating cannot be prepared at the time specified, the rating cycle will be extended until the time necessary to meet the 90–calendar day period required to rate an employee’s performance.d. Levels of performance.
Levels of performance achieved by both the Fund and scheme employers are reported; • as part of a Pension Administration Report at the Administering Authority’s Pensions and Investments Committee• at Derbyshire Pension Board meetings• in the Fund’s Annual Report This strategy is published on the Fund’s website (derbyshirepensionfund.org.uk/aboutthefund) and signposted to all participating employers in an Employer Newsletter.