Examples of LGA 1972 in a sentence
LGA 1972 s12 10(2) (b) states that business must be specified; therefore, the Council cannot lawfully raise matters for discussion.
Exclusion of press and public in accordance with section 100A (2) and (4) of the LGA 1972 if required.
Councillors were reminded that for those with any interest to be disclosed in relation to an item included in the agenda for this meeting, it was their duty to do so at the appropriate agenda item (as required to be disclosed by Section 96(1) of the LGA 1972, and in accordance with the Parish Councils Order 2001.
The Assembly has decided that a quorum would not usually be less than three (other than for four Member committees), as otherwise the Chair’s casting vote would potentially determine every item of business (the Chairs of local authority committees and sub-committees have a casting vote in statute LGA 1972, SCG12 para 39(2)).
CHAIRMANS ALLOWANCE: S15 of LGA 1972 provides for a Chairman’s Allowance which allows the Chairman to defray expenses of office.
In addition, S111 LGA (1972) enables LAs to do anything conducive or incidental to the discharge of any of its functions, providing it has specific statutory authority to carry out those main functions in the first place.
She queried whether a report could be provided on the range of measures where resources had been targeted on the basis of objective need.
Minutes and records of the meetings of the 2015 Joint Committee shall be maintained by the Secretary in accordance with the requirements of the LGA 1972.
The Inland Revenue regulations do not recognise Clerks to Council’s being self-employed (All are Schedule E employees as Office Holders under the LGA 1972) and the Council will not place any reliance on the liability for insurance and other matters devolving on to the Clerk to the Council solely in their capacity as a homeowner/private citizen.
The Town Clerk is designated and authorised to act as Proper Officer of the Council for the purposes of all relevant sections of the Local Government Act 1972 and any other statute requiring the designation of a Proper Officer other than as required by the LGA 1972 S151 (Responsible Finance Officer) and as such is authorised to carry out the functions specified in Chapter 3 of the Council’s Standing Orders.