LIABILITY ON FOREIGN ACCOUNTS. State Street shall not be required to repay any deposit made at a non-U.S. branch of State Street, or any deposit made with State Street and denominated in a non-U.S. dollar currency, if repayment of such deposit or the use of assets denominated in the non-U.S. dollar currency is prevented, prohibited or otherwise blocked due to: (a) an act of war, insurrection or civil strife; (b) any action by a non-U.S. government or instrumentality or authority asserting governmental, military or police power of any kind, whether such authority be recognized as a defacto or a dejure government, or by any entity, political or revolutionary movement or otherwise that usurps, supervenes or otherwise materially impairs the normal operation of civil authority; or(c) the closure of a non-U.S. branch of State Street in order to prevent, in the reasonable judgment of State Street, harm to the employees or property of State Street. The obligation to repay any such deposit shall not be transferred to and may not be enforced against any other branch of State Street. The foregoing provisions constitute the disclosure required by Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 167D, Section 36. While State Street is not obligated to repay any deposit made at a non-U.S. branch or any deposit denominated in a non-U.S. currency during the period in which its repayment has been prevented, prohibited or otherwise blocked, State Street will repay such deposit when and if all circumstances preventing, prohibiting or otherwise blocking repayment cease to exist.


  • Eligible Foreign Accounts means Accounts with respect to which the account debtor does not have its principal place of business in the United States and that (i) are supported by one or more letters of credit in an amount and of a tenor, and issued by a financial institution, acceptable to Bank, or (ii) that Bank approves on a case-by-case basis.

  • Trade Accounts Payable means accounts payable or other obligations of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary to trade creditors created or assumed by the Company or such Restricted Subsidiary in the ordinary course of business in connection with the obtaining of goods or services.

  • Eligible Liabilities and “Special Deposits” have the meanings given to them from time to time under or pursuant to the Bank of England Act 1998 or (as may be appropriate) by the Bank of England;

  • Eligible Unbilled Accounts means Accounts of the Obligors that does not qualify as an Eligible Account solely because (a) the goods giving rise to such Account have not been shipped and billed to the Account Debtor, or (b) the services giving rise to such Account have not been performed and billed to the Account Debtor and, in either case, so long as such Accounts have not been unbilled for more than thirty (30) days. For the avoidance of doubt, at such time as an Account is billed to the Account Debtor it shall no longer be an “Eligible Unbilled Account”.

  • Qualified Account means an Account of Borrower generated in the ordinary course of Borrower's business from the sale of goods or rendition of medical services which Lender, in its sole credit judgment, deems to be a Qualified Account. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no Account shall be a Qualified Account if: (a) the Account or any portion thereof is payable by an individual beneficiary, recipient or subscriber individually and not directly to Borrower by a Medicaid/Medicare Account Debtor or commercial medical insurance carrier acceptable to Lender in its sole discretion; (b) the Account remains unpaid more than one hundred twenty (120) days past the claim or invoice date; (c) the Account is subject to any defense, set-off, counterclaim, deduction, discount, credit, chargeback, freight claim, allowance, or adjustment of any kind; (d) any part of any goods the sale of which has given rise to the Account has been returned, rejected, lost, or damaged; (e) if the Account arises from the sale of goods by Borrower, such sale was not an absolute sale or on consignment or on approval or on a sale-or-return basis or subject to any other repurchase or return agreement, or such goods have not been shipped to the Account Debtor or its designee; (f) if the Account arises from the performance of services, such services have not been actually been performed or were undertaken in violation of any law; (g) the Account is subject to a lien other than a Permitted Lien; (h) Borrower knows or should have known of the bankruptcy, receivership, reorganization, or insolvency of the Account Debtor; (i) the Account is evidenced by chattel paper or an instrument of any kind, or has been reduced to judgment; (j) the Account is an Account of an Account Debtor having its principal place of business or executive office outside the United States; (k) the Account Debtor is an Affiliate or Subsidiary of Borrower; (l) more than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate balance of all Accounts owing from the Account Debtor obligated on the Account are outstanding more than one hundred fifty (150) days past their invoice date; (m) fifty percent (50%) or more of the aggregate unpaid Accounts from any individual Account Debtor are not deemed Qualified Accounts hereunder; (n) the total unpaid Accounts of the Account Debtor, except for a Medicaid/Medicare Account Debtor, exceed twenty percent (20%) of the net amount of all Qualified Accounts (including Medicaid/Medicare Account Debtors); (o) any covenant, representation or warranty contained in the Loan Documents with respect to such Account has been breached; or (p) the Account fails to meet such other specifications and requirements which may from time to time be established by Lender.

  • Eligible In-Transit Inventory means, as of any date of determination thereof, without duplication of other Eligible Inventory, In-Transit Inventory:

  • Excluded Accounts means any deposit account or securities account used exclusively as (a) payroll and other employee wage and benefit accounts, (b) tax accounts, including sales tax accounts, (c) escrow, fiduciary or trust accounts, (d) zero balance accounts and (e) the funds or other property held in or maintained in any such account identified in clauses (a) through (d).

  • eligible foreign custodian" means

  • Designated Accounts as used in any security agreement means both the Designated Accounts hereunder and the “Designated Accounts” in the comparable agreement entered into with respect to any other Pledgor.

  • Eligible Foreign Subsidiary means any Foreign Subsidiary that is approved from time to time by the Administrative Agent and each of the Lenders.

  • eligible foreign securities depository means a securities depository or clearing agency, incorporated or organized under the laws of a country other than the United States, which operates (i) the central system for handling securities or equivalent book-entries in that country, or (ii) a transnational system for the central handling of securities or equivalent book-entries. The Customer represents that its Board of Directors has approved each of the Subcustodians listed in Schedule B to this Agreement and the terms of the subcustody agreements between the Bank and each Subcustodian, which are attached as Exhibits I through of Schedule B, and further represents that its Board has determined that the use of each Subcustodian and the terms of each subcustody agreement are consistent with the best interests of the Fund(s) and its (their) shareholders. The Bank will supply the Customer with any amendment to Schedule B for approval. As requested by the Bank, the Customer will supply the Bank with certified copies of its Board of Directors resolution(s) with respect to the foregoing prior to placing Assets with any Subcustodian so approved.

  • Excluded Deposit Accounts means, collectively, (i) payroll and payroll taxes accounts, workers’ compensation accounts and other employee wage and benefit payment accounts and xxxxx cash accounts, (ii) trust accounts and (iii) deposit accounts other than Collection Accounts and Collateral Deposit Accounts (as each such term is defined in the Revolving Credit Agreement), so long as the aggregate amount on deposit in all such deposit accounts does not exceed $2,500,000 in the aggregate at any time.

  • Eligible Accounts Receivable means Accounts, Instruments, Documents, Chattel Paper, Contracts, and General Intangibles from customers of Borrowers or any Approved Subsidiary in which Bank has a perfected first priority security interest subject to Bank's credit approvals thereof other than the following: (i) Accounts which remain unpaid ninety (90) days after the date of the applicable invoice; (ii) Accounts with respect to which the Account Debtor is an Affiliate of any of the Borrowers, or a director, officer or employee of any of the Borrowers; (iii) Accounts with respect to which the Account Debtor is the United States of America or any department, agency or instrumentality thereof, unless filings in accordance with the Assignment of Claims Act have been completed and filed in a manner satisfactory to the Agent or, as to any government contract entered into after the date of this Agreement, concurrently with the execution and delivery of that government contract; (iv) Accounts with respect to which the Account Debtor is not a resident of the United States or Canada except if such Accounts (1) are secured by irrevocable trade letter(s) of credit in form and content acceptable to Bank and confirmed by a United States financial institution acceptable to Bank, (2) are secured by standby letters of credit with an expiration of date of at least one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of shipment confirmed by United States Bank acceptable to Bank and otherwise in form and content acceptable to Bank, or (3) are insured by a company acceptable to Bank, which insurance covers business and political risk; (v) Accounts arising with respect to goods which have not been shipped and delivered to and accepted as satisfactory by the Account Debtor or arising with respect to services which have not been fully performed and accepted as satisfactory by the Account Debtor; (vi) Accounts for which the prospect of payment in full or performance in a timely manner by the Account Debtor is or is likely to become impaired as determined by the Bank in its reasonable discretion; (vii) Accounts which are not invoiced (and dated as of the date of such invoice) and sent to the Account Debtor within fifteen (15) days after delivery of the underlying goods to, or performance of the underlying services for, the Account Debtor; (viii) Accounts with respect to which Bank does not have a first and valid fully perfected security interest; (ix) Accounts with respect to which the Account Debtor is the subject of bankruptcy or a similar insolvency proceeding or has made an assignment for the benefit of creditors or whose assets have been conveyed to a receiver or trustee, except if Bank is delivered evidence acceptable to Bank as to the collectability in the normal course of business of such Accounts; (x) Accounts with respect to which the Account Debtor's obligation to pay the Account is conditional upon the Account Debtor's approval or is otherwise subject to any repurchase obligation or return right, as with sales made on a xxxx-and-hold, guaranteed sale, sale-and-return, sale on approval (except with respect to Accounts in connection with which Account Debtors are entitled to return Inventory solely on the basis on the quality of such Inventory) or consignment basis; (xi) Accounts with respect to which the Account Debtor is located in Minnesota unless the applicable Borrower has filed a Notice of Business Activities Report with the Secretary of State of Minnesota for the then current year; (xiv) all Accounts of any Account Debtor if twenty-five percent (25.0%) or more of all Accounts of such Account Debtor have ceased to be Eligible Accounts Receivable; and (xii) Accounts with respect to which the Account Debtors are residents of Canada to the extent the aggregate sum exceeds $750,000.00. The approvals of Account Debtors and Accounts shall be for Bank purposes only and shall not constitute any representation by Bank as to the credit worthiness of any such Account Debtor or the advisability or profitability of doing business with such Account Debtor.

  • Designated Foreign Subsidiaries means all members of the Company Group that are organized under the laws of any jurisdiction or country other than the United States of America that may be designated by the Board or the Committee from time to time.

  • Concentration Accounts has the meaning ascribed to it in Annex C.

  • Securities Accounts (i) shall mean all “securities accounts” as defined in Article 8 of the UCC and (ii) shall include, without limitation, all of the accounts listed on Schedule 4.4(A) under the heading “Securities Accounts” (as such schedule may be amended or supplemented from time to time).

  • Eligible Foreign Custodian has the meaning set forth in section (a)(1) of Rule 17f-5, including a majority-owned or indirect subsidiary of a U.S. Bank (as defined in Rule 17f-5), a bank holding company meeting the requirements of an Eligible Foreign Custodian (as set forth in Rule 17f-5 or by other appropriate action of the SEC, or a foreign branch of a Bank (as defined in Section 2(a)(5) of the 0000 Xxx) meeting the requirements of a custodian under Section 17(f) of the 1940 Act; the term does not include any Eligible Securities Depository.

  • Inventory Formula Amount means (i) the lesser of (x) 75% of the Value of Eligible Inventory and (y) 85% of the NOLV Percentage of the Value of Eligible Inventory plus (ii) the lesser of (x) the lesser of (1) 75% of the Value of Eligible In-Transit Inventory and (2) 85% of the NOLV Percentage of the Value of the Eligible In-Transit Inventory and (y) $10,000,000.

  • Sub-Accounts means the respective Sub-Accounts of the Escrow Account, into which the monies specified in Clause 4.1 would be credited every month and paid out if due, and if not due in a month then appropriated proportionately in such month and retained in the respective Sub Accounts and paid out therefrom on the Payment Date(s).

  • Excluded Account means (a) any deposit account specifically and exclusively used for payroll, payroll taxes and other employee wage and benefit payments to or for the benefit of any Loan Party’s employees and (b) any Xxxxx Cash Accounts.

  • Credit Card Account means the Account of the Cardmember opened with Maybank for the purpose of this Agreement;

  • Eligible Countries means: (a) in the case of the African Development Bank and the Nigeria trust Fund, the Member Countries of the African Development Bank.

  • Commodities Accounts (i) shall mean all “commodity accounts” as defined in Article 9 of the UCC and (ii) shall include, without limitation, all of the accounts listed on Schedule 4.4 under the heading “Commodities Accounts” (as such schedule may be amended or supplemented from time to time).