Licensing Site definition
Examples of Licensing Site in a sentence
Institution must notify Microsoft of a License transfer by completing a license transfer form, which can be obtained from the Licensing Site, and sending the completed form to Microsoft before the License transfer.
The Microsoft Professional Services Data Protection Addendum in effect on the effective date of this Work Order and available on the Volume Licensing Site at is incorporated herein by this reference.
Message Confirming Creation of KILL.TXT File GFW Compatibility The ProcessView Software Licensing Site Key can coexist with a ProcessView™ for Windows 3.5 (GFW) 16-bit product if already installed for Windows NT.
The country-specific provisions available at the Licensing Site replace or supplement the relevant provisions of this Agreement based on the Customer’s location and in any case where the law of the jurisdictions listed in the country- specific provisions gets applied.
GFW Compatibility The ProcessView Software Licensing Site Key can coexist with a ProcessView for Windows 3.5 (GFW) 16-bit product if already installed for Windows NT.
The ProcessView Software Licensing Site Key can coexist with a ProcessView™ for Windows 3.5 (GFW) 16-bit product if already installed for Windows NT.
The MS OST and MS SLA applicable throughout the term of the Government Contract, for Azure Services available as of the effective date of the Government Contract, shall be the current MS OST and MS SLA, respectively, posted to the Volume Licensing Site.
The cost of the third physician shall be shared equally by the teacher and the Board.
GFW Compatibility The ProcessView Software Licensing Site Key can coexist with a ProcessView ™ for Windows 3.5 (GFW) 16-bit product if already installed for Windows NT.
That Privacy Act Statement was provided to the individual ☐ on the form in which the PII was collected ☐ on a separate sheet of paper that the individual could retain; or ☐ in an audio recording or verbally at the point where the information was collected (e.g., on the phone) or ☒ Electronically prior to submission on the Licensing Site.