Life Cover definition
Examples of Life Cover in a sentence
Life Cover Life Cover can provide financial security for your loved ones when you no longer can.
Insurance [X] We will advise and provide you with a personal recommendation after we have assessed your needs for non-investment insurance products including Life Cover, Critical Illness Cover, Income Protection Insurance, Accident, Sickness and Unemployment Cover, Business Protection Insurance and Family Income Benefit.
For all covers except Life Cover, we will restrict claims to certain parts of the world.
Insurance [X] We offer products from a range of insurers for non-investment insurance products including Life Cover, Critical Illness Cover, Income Protection Insurance, Accident, Sickness and Unemployment Cover (ASU), Family Income Benefit, Buildings Insurance and Contents Insurance.
Life Cover relieves you of the inheritance tax liability for the first two years of your investment.
If the Life Insured meets this definition, a lump sum equal to the Sum Insured will be paid to the Trustee under the Superannuation Life Cover Plan.
If an Investor withdraws some or all of their Subscription before the second anniversary of the Investment Date, the Life Cover policy will not apply in respect of any sum withdrawn.
The Life Cover policy only covers Investors up to (but not including) their 85th birthday on the Investment Date.
B1 Life CoverThis applies to you if Life Cover is shown on your cover summary.
The payment of the proceeds of the Life Cover policy may be liable to IHT if they exceed an available nil rate band (currently £325,000, and independent from the personal nil rate band).