Life settlement broker means an individual, partnership, corporation or other entity who or which for another and for a fee, commission or other valuable consideration offers or advertises the availability of life settlements, introduces to life settlement providers, or offers or attempts to negotiate life settlements between an owner and one or more life settlement providers. Life settlement broker does not include an attorney, accountant, or financial planner retained to represent the insured whose compensation is not paid by the life settlement provider;
Life settlement broker means a natural person who is working
Life settlement broker means a person who on behalf of an owner and for a fee, commission or other valuable consideration offers or attempts to negotiate life settlements between an owner and one or more life settlement providers. Irrespective of the manner in which the life settlement broker is compensated, a life settlement broker is deemed to represent only the owner and owes a fiduciary duty to the owner to act according to the owner’s instructions and in the best interest of the owner. The term does not include an attorney, accountant or financial planner retained to represent the owner whose compensation is paid directly by or at the direction of the owner.
More Definitions of Life settlement broker
Life settlement broker means a person, including a life insurance producer, working exclusively on behalf of an owner and for a fee, commission or other valuable consideration, who offers or attempts to ne- gotiate life settlement contracts between an owner and one or more life settlement pro- viders or one or more life settlement brokers. Notwithstanding the manner in which the life settlement broker is compensated, a life settlement broker is deemed to represent only the owner, and not the life insurance producer or the life settlement provider, and owes a fiduciary duty to the owner to act according to the owner’s instructions and in the best interest of the owner.
Life settlement broker or "broker" means an individual, partnership, corporation, or other person who is working exclusively on behalf of an owner and for a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration, offers or advertises the availability of life settlements, introduces an owner to life settlement providers, or offers or attempts to negotiate life settlements between an owner and one (1) or more life settlement providers. "Life settlement broker" does not include an attorney, certified public accountant, or financial planner who is retained to represent the owner and whose compensation is not paid directly or indirectly by the life settlement provider or any other person except the owner.
Life settlement broker or "broker" means a person who, working exclusively on behalf of an owner and for a fee, commission or other valuable consideration, offers or attempts to negotiate life settlement contracts between an owner and one (1) or more life settlement providers or one (1) or more life settlement brokers. Notwithstanding the manner in which the life settlement broker is compensated, a life settlement broker is deemed to represent only the owner, and not the insurer or the life settlement provider, and owes a fiduciary duty to the owner to act according to the owner's instructions and in the best interest of the owner. Nothing in this definition reduces or impairs the scope of the definitions in section 30-14-102, Idaho Code, including, but not limited to, agent, broker-dealer, investment adviser, and investment adviser representative. The term does not include an attorney, certified public accountant or a financial planner accredited by a nationally recognized accreditation agency who is retained
Life settlement broker means a person, including a life insurance producer, working
Life settlement broker means a natural person who is working exclusively on behalf of a policy owner and, for a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration, offers or attempts to negotiate life settlement contracts between an owner and one or more life settlement providers. Notwithstanding the manner in which the life settlement broker is compensated, a life settlement broker is deemed to represent only the policy owner and not the insurer or the life settlement provider and to owe a fiduciary duty to the policy owner to act according to the policy owner’s instructions and in the best interest of the policy owner. The term does not include an attorney or a certified public accountant who is retained to represent the policy owner and whose compensation is not paid directly or indirectly by the life settlement provider or purchaser.
Life settlement broker means a natural person who is working exclusively on behalf of a policy owner and, for a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration, offers or attempts to negotiate life settlement contracts between an owner and one or more life settlement providers. Notwithstanding the manner in which the life settlement broker is compensated, a life settlement
Life settlement broker means a per- son who, for another person and for a fee, commission or other consideration: