Limit of disturbance definition

Limit of disturbance means the area of a development or redevelopment activity that includes temporary disturbance and permanent disturbance.
Limit of disturbance means a line delineating the boundary of the area to be disturbed during a development or redevelopment project. Area outside this boundary shall not be touched.
Limit of disturbance means the boundary within which

Examples of Limit of disturbance in a sentence

  • The surveyed location of each individual tree 6” or > measured 4-1/2’ above grade located inside the Limit of disturbance and extending 25’ outside the limit of disturbance.

  • In addition to elements noted in Section 32-4-224, the plan providing open space should contain detailed information as follows:  Limit and amount of open space or greenway;  Proposals for improvements to open space or greenway, including the design and layout;  If providing amenities, a detailed cost estimate for the amenities;  Limit of disturbance and vegetation to be saved; and  Determination of ownership and maintenance of the open spaces and greenways.

  • Limit of disturbance: Line delineating the boundary of the area to be disturbed during a development or redevelopment project.

  • Limit of disturbance shown.2. Existing and proposed contours labeled.3. Proposed drainage breaks labeled.4. Proposed SWM and SD system shown.5. Proposed Sediment and Erosion Control shown.

  • Using the site survey information regarding topography, physical and natural features, it should indicate: ▪ Existing and proposed topography and features in plan view and key site sections; ▪ Limit of disturbance or limit of earthworks/grading; ▪ Delineation and shading to show cut and fill and cut and fill volumes; and ▪ At the request of the City, building envelopes and accesses to individual lots or building sites.

More Definitions of Limit of disturbance

Limit of disturbance means a line provided on the SWM site plan that indicates the total area to be disturbed during a proposed earth disturbance activity.
Limit of disturbance means the boundary within which additional construction, materials and equipment storage, grading, landscaping, and related activities may occur.
Limit of disturbance means the outermost boundary of the area disturbed by construction, material storage, grading, grubbing, or landscaping as indicated by the green “Limit of Disturbance” line depicted on the Appendix A Figures.
Limit of disturbance means a boundary depicted on the approved plan within which a contractor has to confine his construction activities.
Limit of disturbance means a clearly delineated area around a proposed area of disturbance authorized pursuant to a waiver, inside which all construction-related activities occur, including, but not limited to site preparation, grading, equipment traffic, construction, and staging. Existing disturbed areas are not part of the limit of disturbance.]
Limit of disturbance means a line provided on the SWM site plan that indicates the total area
Limit of disturbance means the area of a development or redevelopment activity that