Limited contact definition

Limited contact means the authority of a nonparent to visit a child for a limited time. The term includes authority to take the child to a place other than the residence of the child.
Limited contact means the authority of a nonparent to visit a child for a limited time.
Limited contact means the authority of a nonparent to visit a child for a

Examples of Limited contact in a sentence

  • Signature: Date: Dear Sirs, I instruct and authorise you to transfer the cash and/or stocks currently held with you to Rowan Dartington & Co Limited Contact Name, Company Name & Address of Current Investment Manager: Client Reference Number (if known): Clients Full Name & Address: Please enclose a copy of your most recent statement of assets (tick to confirm you have enclosed the statement).

  • Limited Contact: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx ABN: 25 003 501 853 Site address: 000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx, Ingleburn NSW 2565 Post address: 000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx, Ingleburn NSW 2565 Telephone: 00 0000 0000 Facsimile: 02 9426 1896 E-mail: Internet: Supplier Notes Products See latest version of User Guide Spreadsheet Pricing, Discounts and Special Offers Volume discounts are available.

  • Northern Ireland Electricity Networks Limited Contact Number: 00000 000 000.

  • Date: 1 April 2019 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Taiwan Limited Contact us Floor 14 Number 68 Section 5.

  • Company Name: On behalf of Medex Protect Limited Contact Name: Signature: Job Title: Date: As opposite Please Note: Claims that are submitted for treatment that take place in the first 30 days following the policy commencement date, is not insured.

More Definitions of Limited contact

Limited contact means the authority of a nonparent
Limited contact refers to a situation in which an Employee comes into contact with inmates or young offenders on an occasional basis.
Limited contact means a team may participate in “Air,” “Bags,” and “Wrap” drills and simulations at any point.
Limited contact means the authority of a nonparent to
Limited contact means incidental contact between ani- mals away from the flock’s premises, such as at fairs, shows, exhibitions, markets, and sales; between ewes being insemi- nated, flushed, or implanted; or between rams at ram test or collection stations. Embryo transfer and artificial insemina- tion equipment and surgical tools must be sterilized after each use in order for the contact to be considered limited con- tact. Limited contact does not include any contact with a fe- male animal during or up to 30 days after she gave birth or aborted or when there is any visible vaginal discharge other than that associated with estrus. Limited contact does not in- clude any activity in which uninhibited contact occurs, such as sharing an enclosure, sharing a section of a transport ve- hicle, or residing in other flocks for breeding or other pur- poses, except as allowed by scrapie flock certification pro- gram standards.
Limited contact means incidental contact between animals from different flocks off the flock's premises such as at fairs, shows, exhibitions and sales; between ewes being inseminated, flushed, or implanted, or between rams at ram test or collection stations. Limited contact does not include any contact, incidental or otherwise, with animals in the same flock or with an animal during or up to 30 days after she lambed, kidded or aborted or when there is visible vaginal discharge;
Limited contact means the authority of a