Examples of Limited Duration Resource in a sentence
The installed capacity of a Limited Duration Resource is based on the sustained level of output that the unit can provide and maintain over a continuous period, whereby the duration of that period matches the characteristic duration of the corresponding ELCC Class, with consideration given to ambient conditions expected to exist at the time of PJM system peak load, as described in the PJM Manuals.
For a Variable Resource, a Limited Duration Resource, and an Unlimited Resource: based on a metric consisting of the weighted average expected hourly output of the resource in the ELCC model during hours of loss of load risk where: (i) the weights correspond to the modeled probability of losing load in such hour and (ii) the expected hourly output is based on the resource’s modeled output during the same hour on days since June 1st, 2012 identified as having similar weather from an RTO-perspective.
For Combination Resources with a Variable Resource component (except for Hydropower With Non-Pumped Storage): (1) based on the direct metered or estimated output of the Variable Resource component, which is then assessed according to the methodology described in subsection (a) above for Variable Resources and in accordance with the PJM Manuals; and (2) based on the EFORd that is applicable to the Limited Duration Resource component.
Please explain the process used to determine the quantity of CIRs a Variable Resource, Limited Duration Resource, or Combination Resource secures upon interconnection, including any relevant tariff or Manual citations.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case where the total Capacity Interconnection Rights of the Combination Resource is equal to the Maximum Facility Output of the Combination Resource, the hourly output of the Variable Resource and Limited Duration Resource components of the Combination Resource shall not be capped.
The Combination Resource category includes Hydropower with Non-Pumped Storage resources as well as resources that mix a generation component with a Limited Duration Resource component.
Range.- Radiation measurements: Concepts of fluence, absorbed dose, exposure, kerma.Methods of radiation detection: gas detectors, scintillation detectors, semiconductor detectors, thermoluminescence detectors, photographic film.- Ultrasound: Acoustic propagation and interaction.
A Combination Resource is a Generation Capacity Resources that has a component with the characteristics of a Limited Duration Resource combined with either a component that has the characteristics of an Unlimited Resource or a component that has the characteristics of a Variable Resource.
In other words, in the October 30 Filing, PJM proposes to redefine the installed capacity of a Limited Duration Resource to an “X-hour rule,” where “X” is the characteristic duration of the chosen limited duration class.
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