Examples of Limited Tender in a sentence
Irrespective of a Single-bid or Two-bid or Limited Tender invitation or Advertised Tendering, in all cases, the detailed bid document can be used / downloaded from the website of the STQC Directorate, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt.
Such registered suppliers are prima facie eligible for consideration for procurement of goods through Limited Tender Enquiry.
Normal mode of tendering will be Limited Tender from amongst the contractors/ agencies borne on the registered list for the particular field of activity.
We will honour the Bid submitted by us during the Limited Tender.
We have carefully gone through the NIT Tiruchirappalli, Tender Documents and the Rules governing the Limited Tender along with this document.
Sometimes situations may arise necessitating modification of the tender documents already issued (in Limited Tender Enquiry cases) or already put on sale (in Advertised/Open Tender Enquiry cases) due to change in the required quantity or specifications.
Copies of such amendment/ modification should be simultaneously sent to all the selected suppliers by registered/speed post/ courier/e-mail in case of Limited Tender Enquiry.
Tenderers should note that the tenders are to be sent by Post/ Courier/ dropped in the Limited Tender Box located at the entrance of Purchase Department in Administrative Building, PO.
For Open Tender invitation to bid shall be advertised in at least one widely circulated national daily newspaper or in the official gazette, or on a widely used website or electronic portal, in English, with free national and international access.Tender DocumentsFor procurement to be carried out under NRLM GOI Task Force approved documents, as amended from time to time for works/ goods will be used under Limited Tender, Open Tender.
There shall be compulsory registration of agents for all Global (Open) Tender and Limited Tender.