Examples of Liquidity Loan in a sentence
The proceeds of the Liquidity Loan Drawing will be credited to the Issuer Operating Account and will be recorded as a credit entry on the Liquidity Ledger.
Havila Holding AS has confirmed support of the Restructuring and accepted to provide the Company with an unsecured, non-interest bearing, convertible liquidity loan in the total amount of NOK 100 million (the "Liquidity Loan") – to be applied for general corporate purposes.
The Liquidity Loan Drawing will be repayable only if the entity then being the Liquidity Facility Provider is re-rated with the Minimum Short-term Rating.
At some point during the meeting, the telephone connection between James’ father and the treatment team wasdisconnected for reasons relating to James’ father’s employment obligations.James was provided with a copy of the notes on the proposed extension plan during the treatment team meeting.
Any change or alteration in the registered team is subject to the sole discretion of the Organizing Committee.