Examples of List C in a sentence
Signature of Employer or Authorized RepresentativeToday's Date (mm/dd/yyyy)Name of Employer or Authorized RepresentativeLISTS OF ACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTSAll documents must be UNEXPIREDEmployees may present one selection from List Aor a combination of one selection from List B and one selection from List C.
Employers or their authorized representative must complete and sign Section 2 within three business days after the employee's first day of employment, and must physically examine, or examine consistent with an alternative procedure authorized by the Secretary of DHS, documentation from List A OR a combination of documentation from List B and List C.
You must physically examine one document from List A OR examine a combination of one document from List B and one document from List C as listed on the "Lists of Acceptable Documents" on the next page of this form.
You may present either one selection from List A or a combination of one selection from List B and one selection from List C.
If you present acceptable List A documentation, you should not be asked to present, nor should you provide, List B and List C documentation.
If you present acceptable List B and List C documentation, you should not be asked to present, nor should you provide, List A documentation.
List B documents show identity only and List C documents show employment authorization only.
Your employer is responsible for ensuring all parts of Form I-9 are properly completed and is subject to penalties under federal law if the form is not completed correctly.Minors (individuals under age 18) and certain employees with disabilities whose parent, legal guardian or representative completed Section 1 for the employee are only required to present an employment authorization document from List C.
List B contains documents that show identity only, and List C contains documents that show employment authorization only.
Employees must present one selection from List A OR a combination of one selection from List B and one selection from List C.