List of Electors definition
List of Electors means the preliminary list of electors, supplementary list of electors or the official list of electors, as the context requires;
List of Electors. – means the Preliminary List of Electors of the MMF as amended by the Chief Electoral Officer and distributed not less than 21 days before Election Day.
List of Electors means the preliminary list of electors, supplementary list of electors or
Examples of List of Electors in a sentence
List" means the Preliminary List of Electors, as corrected by the Clerk, under s.
List” means the Preliminary List of Electors, as corrected by the Clerk, under the provisions of Section 22 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.
Prior to September 1, 2018, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) will provide the Town of Bracebridge with the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE).
The Electoral Assistance Bureau conducted an analysis of the Preliminary List of Electors, which included computer, in-house and field tests.
The USB drive with the List of Electors must be returned to the Chief Election Officer no later than October 26, 2018 in time for confidential destruction.
More Definitions of List of Electors
List of Electors means a list made pursuant to this Code of persons entitled to vote at an Election.”
List of Electors means the list showing the surname, given names, civic address and mailing address of every elector in a polling division and the identifier that is assigned to the elector by the Chief Electoral Officer.
List of Electors. - means a list made under these bylaws of persons entitled to vote at an election;
List of Electors means a list made pursuant to this Electoral Act and prepared by the MNBC Central Registry of individuals entitled to vote in a Métis Nation British Columbia Election;
List of Electors means either a preliminary list of electors, a finally revised list of electors or an official list of electors as the context requires; and it may in context refer to either an enumeration list, an annual registration list, a principal list, a supplementary revision list or an addendum list;
List of Electors means the list showing the surname, given names, civic address and mailing address of every elector;
List of Electors means a list of persons entitled to vote at an election;