Listed Derivative Counterparty means a Li- quidity Provider which (i) enters into a contract with Saxo Bank, which is identical to the rele- vant Listed Derivative and (ii) enters into, or in- structs a third party to enter into, the matching Reference Derivative;
Listed Derivative Counterparty means a Liquidity Provider which (i) enters into a contract with Saxo Bank, which is identical to the relevant Listed Derivative and (ii) enters into, or instructs a third party to enter into, the matching Refer- ence Derivative;
Listed Derivative Counterparty means a Li- quidity Provider which (i) enters into a contract with Saxo Bank, which is identical to the rele-
More Definitions of Listed Derivative Counterparty
Listed Derivative Counterparty means a Liquidity Provider which (i) enters into a contract with BinckBank, which is identical to the relevant Listed Derivative and (ii) enters into, or