Examples of Local grant in a sentence
Local grant administration, management, and reporting that is directly related to and necessary for implementation are considered grant eligible activities.
Any data, information, or reports that are generated from activities conducted utilizing Federal, State, or Local grant funding will be shared with the applicable regulatory agencies and/or funding agencies.
Local grant recipient grievance procedures must provide WIOA participants a process which allows an individual alleging a labor standards violation to submit the grievance to a binding arbitration procedure if a collective bargaining agreement covering the parties to the grievance so provides.
Please outline how your campus will provide students participating in CTE the opportunity to gain postsecondary credit while still attending high school.Both the Perkins Local grant and Perkins Reserve grant will be managed by the same individual for the 2022-2023 year.
Refer to Appendix A for exhibits depicting the conceptual layout and cross section of the proposed Project.The Project may be funded through a combination of Federal, State, and Local grant reimbursement programs, as described below.
Local grant dollars for relocation (dollars per job) Local loans for relocation (dollars per job) Please enter additional comments or information about grants and loans below.
State and Local grant program vary from state to state and region to region.
Local grant recipients can rely on partner programs to provide some of the elements if such services are available for all eligible youth in the local area.
Local grant funding is dependent upon timely completion of work items.
Local grant proposals should specifically focus upon one (or more) of the four areas above.