Examples of Local legislation in a sentence
Local legislation Waste catalogue: EU Waste Disposal Code (EWC): Waste Code Remarks:Disposal should be in accordance with applicable regional, national, and local laws and regulations.
Local legislation Waste catalogue : EU Waste Disposal Code (EWC): Waste Code : 13 02 06* Remarks : Disposal should be in accordance with applicable regional, national, and local laws and regulations.
Local legislation Remarks:Disposal should be in accordance with applicable regional, national, and local laws and regulations.Local regulations may be more stringent than regional or national requirements and must be complied with.
A general law city may not enact local laws that conflict with general state law.7 Local legislation that conflicts with state law is void.8 A local law conflicts with state law if it (1) duplicates, (2) contradicts, or (3) enters a field that has been fully occupied by state law, whether expressly or by implication.
Conclusion Local legislation, judicial, and administrative authorities, as well as government and private- funded organizations, are demonstrating visible support of the terms of the Convention, which is surely an example of international protection of children’s welfare.