Examples of Local Limit in a sentence
This certification will exempt the User from self-monitoring for that heavy metal, except as modified by Subsection B-103.2 B-103.2 Users Permitted by PVSC to certify non-use for a heavy metal regulated by this Local Limit shall analyze a sample in March and September of each year to demonstrate that the discharge is at or below the threshold concentration contained in Table B-2.
If any analytical result exceeds this threshold value, but not the Local Limit, the User shall analyze a sample each succeeding month until three successive monthly results are at or below the threshold value contained in Table B-2.
Users that PVSC determines do not discharge a heavy metal regulated by this Local Limit may certify non-use by incorporating a suitable statement on each periodic self-monitoring report.
This is indeed a major obstacle to extend our Theorems to larger values of β.Another cornerstone in the proof of Theorem 2.2 is a Local Limit Theorem [87, 92] that we will describe later.
The Permittee shall carry out the local limits revisions in accordance with EPA’s Local Limit Development Guidance (July 2004).