Annual limit on intake definition

Annual limit on intake. (ALI) means the derived limit for the amount of radioactive material taken into the body of an adult worker by inhalation or ingestion in a year. ALI is the smaller value of intake of a given radionuclide in a year by the reference human that would result in a committed effective dose equivalent of 0.05 Sv (5 rem) or a committed dose equivalent of 0.5 Sv (50 rem) to any individual organ or tissue. ALI values for intake by ingestion and by inhalation of selected radionuclides are given in Part 4, Appendix 4B, Table 4B1, Columns 1 and 2.
Annual limit on intake or "ALI" means the derived limit for the amount of radioactive material taken into the body of an adult worker by inhalation or ingestion in a year. ALI is the smaller value of intake of a given radionuclide in a year by the reference man that would result in a committed effective dose equivalent of 0.05 sievert (five rem) or a committed dose equivalent of 0.5 sievert (fifty rem) to any individual organ or tissue. ALI values for intake by ingestion and by inhalation of selected radionuclides are given in appendix C to rule 3701:1-38-12 of the Administrative Code.
Annual limit on intake or “ALI” means the derived limit for the amount of radioactive material taken into the body of an adult worker by inhalation or ingestion in a year. Annual limit on intake is the smaller value of intake of a given radionuclide in a year by the reference person that would result in a committed effective dose equivalent of 0.05 Sv (5 rem) or a committed dose equivalent of 0.5 Sv (50 rem) to any individual organ or tissue.

Examples of Annual limit on intake in a sentence

  • Lens of the eye equivalent dose.Radiation weighting factor.Shallow equivalent dose.Tissue weighting fac- tor.Total effective dose.Note: Throughout the text of the proposed rule, the above terms would be revised.In addition, the following definitions would be revised: Annual limit on intake, Derived air concentration, Radiation area, Radiological worker,Dose, External dose or exposure, and Internal dose or exposure.

  • Annual limit on intake (ALI)The derived limit for the amount of radioac- tive material taken into the body of an adult worker by inhalation or ingestion in a year(40 hours per week for 50 weeks).

  • Objective 52 - Define the following:• Derived air concentration (DAC)• Annual limit on intake (ALI)• Committed effective dose equivalent (CEDE)Objective 53 - State the relationship among DACs, ALIs, CEDE and TEDE (DAC and mrem per hour relationship).

  • In these Regulations, unless the context indicates otherwise – the Act means the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act No 19 of 1995; the Authority means the Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority established under Section 1 of the Act; Annual limit on intake (ALI) means the intake of a given radionuclide in a year by reference man which would result in a committed dose equal to the relevant dose limit.

  • Annual limit on intake" (ALI) means the derived limit for the amount of radioactive material taken into the body of an adult worker by inhalation or ingestion in a year.

More Definitions of Annual limit on intake

Annual limit on intake. (ALI) means the derived limit for the amount of radioactive material taken into the body of an adult worker by inhalation or ingestion in a year. ALI is the smaller value of intake of a given radionuclide in an effective dose equivalent of five rems (0.05 Sv) or a committed dose equivalent of 50 rems (0.5 Sv) to any individual organ or tissue. The ALI values for intake by ingestion and by inhalation of selected radionuclides are given in Table 1, Columns 1 and 2, of Appendix B to 10 CFR 20.1001 - 20.2401.
Annual limit on intake. (ALI) means the derived limit for the amount of radioactive material taken into the body of an adult worker by inhalation or ingestion in a year. ALI is the smaller value of intake of a given radionuclide in a year by Reference Man that would result in a committed effective dose equivalent of 5 rem (0.05 sievert) or a committed dose equivalent of 50 rem (0.5 sievert) to any individual organ or tissue. ALI values for intake by ingestion and by inhalation of selected radionuclides are given in State of Florida Bureau of Radiation Control ALIs, DACs, and Effluent Concentrations, June 2012, Table I, Columns 1 and 2.
Annual limit on intake or "ALI" means the derived limit for the amount of radioactive material taken into the body of an adult worker by inhalation or ingestion in a year. ALI is the smaller value of annual intake of a given radionuclide by the reference man that would result in:
Annual limit on intake or "ALI" means the derived limit for the amount of radioactive material taken into the body of an adult worker by inhalation or ingestion in a year. ALI is the smaller value of intake of a given radionuclide in a year by the reference man that would result in a committed effective dose equivalent of 0.05 Sv (5 rem) or a committed dose equivalent of 0.5 Sv (50 rem) to any individual organ or tissue. ALI values for intake by ingestion and by inhalation of selected radionuclides are given in table 1, columns 1 and 2 of appendix B to 10 CFR 20, published at 72 Fed. Reg. 55922, October 1, 2007, exclusive of subsequent amendments or editions.
Annual limit on intake. (ALI) means the derived limit for the amount of radioactive material taken into
Annual limit on intake. (ALI) means the derived limit for the amount of radioactive material taken into the body of an adult worker by inhalation or ingestion in a year. ALI is the smaller value of intake of a given radionuclide in a year by the reference human that would result in a committed effective dose equivalent of
Annual limit on intake means a quantity of a radionuclide which, if taken into the body during one year, would lead to a committed effective dose equal to the annual effective dose limit for a radiation worker specified in Division 2 of Part 2;