Examples of Local limits in a sentence
A Slug Discharge is any Discharge of a non-routine, episodic nature, including but not limited to an accidental spill or a non-customary batch Discharge, which has a reasonable potential to cause Interference or Pass Through, or in any other way violate the POTW’s regulations, Local Limits or Permit conditions.
Pretreatment Standards shall mean prohibited discharge standards, categorical Pretreatment Standards, and Local Limits.
Below is a form designed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA - New England) to assist POTWs with approved IPPs in evaluating whether their existing Technically Based Local Limits (TBLLs) need to be recalculated.
Pretreatment Standards shall mean prohibited discharge standards, Categorical Pretreatment Standards, and Local Limits.
Analytical MQLs must be met for the effluent (and SHOULD be met for the influent) so the data can also be used for Local Limits assessment and NPDES application purposes.