Local Public Health Authority definition
Examples of Local Public Health Authority in a sentence
The provider number may be immediately inactivated in the following circumstances: (i) Activities resume sooner than 14 calendar days after an independent provider has been: (I) Diagnosed with COVD-19 or presumed to have COVID-19 as directed by a health care provider or the Local Public Health Authority; (II) Advised by a health care provider to self- quarantine; or (III) Subject to a quarantine or isolation order by a health care provider or the Local Public Health Authority.
The provider number may be terminated in the following circumstances: (i) Activities resume sooner than 14 calendar days after an independent provider has been: (I) Diagnosed with COVD-19 or presumed to have COVID-19 as directed by a health care provider or the Local Public Health Authority; (II) Advised by a health care provider to self- quarantine; or (III) Subject to a quarantine or isolation order by a health care provider or the Local Public Health Authority.
Operational Blueprint for Reentry to your Local Public Health Authority.
A plan that is maintained by the Local Public Health Authority (LPHA), describing fundamental roles, responsibilities, and activities performed during prevention, preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery phases of FEMA’s disaster management cycle.
A plan that is maintained by the Local Public Health Authority (LPHA), describing fundamental roles, responsibilities, and activities performed during preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery phases.
A testing strategy should be developed with the Facility’s Local Public Health Authority as new cases are identified.
OHA/ODE RequirementsHybrid/Onsite Plan☒ Review the “Planning for COVID-19 Scenarios in Schools” toolkit.☒ Coordinate with Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) to establish communication channels related to current transmission level.A COVID Response Team will provide direction and oversight of the district response to protocol.
OHA/ODE RequirementsHybrid/Onsite Plan☐ Review the “Planning for COVID-19 Scenarios in Schools” toolkit.☐ Coordinate with Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) to establish communication channels related to current transmission level.
OHA/ODE RequirementsHybrid/Onsite Plan☐ Coordinate with Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) to establish communication channels related to current transmission level.☐ Establish a specific emergency response framework with key stakeholders.☐ When new cases are identified in the school setting, and the incidence is low, the LPHA will provide a direct report to the district nurse, or designated staff, on the diagnosed case(s).
Services to be provided by a registered nurse, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, or physician in community settings, such as Local Public Health Authority clinics, community-based agency clinics, or testing events, or any combination thereof.