Examples of Local Workforce Innovation Boards in a sentence
To ensure enhanced customer choice, Title 1B requires all states to establish a procedure for Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIBs) to certify training programs to receive funding through the ITA system.
Local MOUs will reflect the shared vision and commitment of Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIBs) and required partners to establish and maintain high-quality workforce development systems and centers, consistent with the vision articulated in WIOA and in State, regional and local planning priorities.
Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIBs), chief elected officials (CEOs) and required partners responsible for planning, administering and delivering workforce development services in a local workforce area.
Local Workforce Innovation Boards and Adult Education providers are required to be consulted through the completion of the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment and the Perkins Local Application.
Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIBs), Chief Elected Officials (CEOs) and the Governor must negotiate and reach agreement on local levels of performance based on the State negotiated levels of performance.
Additionally, Title II is required to participate as a full member of the state and Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIBs) and is a required partner in the Comprehensive One-Stop Delivery System, and as such is required to provide career services and contribute to infrastructure and shared systems costs as described later in this section.
This model allows for the participation of community-based and faith-based organizations, local school districts and educational authorities, regional offices of education, and other state-funded Adult Education providers and partnership with corporate and continuing education divisions at community colleges, Local Workforce Innovation Boards, independent and governmental workforce training agencies, as well as individual employers and industry-based training programs.
It also describes the process by which Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIBs) pursue and document progress toward service integration.
The WIOA Interagency Teams developed a checklist to support Local Workforce Innovation Boards, staff, one-stop operators, leaseholders and required partners to collaboratively prepare for safety of employees and customers within American Job Centers.
It further includes any other or new (future) types of equipment that are designed primarily to store or convey information electronically and have a 4-inch screen or larger measured diagonally.