Permanent Works definition

Permanent Works means the permanent works to be executed by the Contractor under the Contract.
Permanent Works means the permanent works to be executed (including Plant) in accordance with the Contract.
Permanent Works means the permanent works to be executed and maintained in accordance with the contract.

Examples of Permanent Works in a sentence

  • If any part of the Permanent Works has been substantially completed and has satisfactorily passed any Tests on Completion prescribed by the Contract, the Engineer may issue a Taking-Over Certificate in respect of that part of the Permanent Works before completion of the whole of the Works and, upon the issue of such Certificate, the Contractor shall be deemed to have undertaken to complete with due expedition any outstanding work in that part of the Permanent Works during the Defects Liability Period.

  • If any loss or damage happens to the Works, or any part thereof, or materials or Plant for incorporation therein, during the period for which the Contractor is responsible for the care thereof, from any cause whatsoever, other than the risks defined in Sub-Clause 2.2, the Contractor shall, at his own cost, rectify such loss or damage so that the Permanent Works conform in every respect with the provisions of the Contract to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

  • If in connection with any services to be provided in relation to execution of Works include any matter of design or specification of any part of the Permanent Works or of any Plant to be incorporated therein, such requirement shall be expressly stated in the Contract and shall be included in any nominated Subcontract.

  • Where the Contract expressly provides that part of the Permanent Works shall be designed by the Contractor, he shall be fully responsible for that part of such Works, notwithstanding any approval by the Engineer.

  • The Defects Liability Certificate shall be given by the Engineer within 28 days after the expiration of the Defects Liability Period, or, if different defects liability periods shall become applicable to different Sections or parts of the Permanent Works, the expiration of the latest such period, or as soon thereafter as any works instructed, pursuant to Clauses 11.1 to 11.5, have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

More Definitions of Permanent Works

Permanent Works means the permanent works to be designed and executed in accordance with the Contract.
Permanent Works means all the works included in the schedule of quantities and shall also include additions, alterations etc. communicated in writing.
Permanent Works means the permanent works to be executed and installation of machineries in accordance with the Contract at specified required site and location.
Permanent Works means the works which are of a permanent nature and are not Temporary works.
Permanent Works means the permanent works to be Executed (including without limitation, all structures and all work intended to form a continuing function after Completion) and any other work contractually required to be left at the Project Site after Completion in accordance with the Contract.
Permanent Works. Means the permanent works to be designed and executed by the Agency under the Contract.
Permanent Works means all the works included in the schedule of quantities and shall also include additions alteration etc..