Lodgement definition
Examples of Lodgement in a sentence
Lodgement of a Proxy Form will not preclude a Shareholder from attending and voting at the Meeting in person.
Lodgement instructions (which include the ability to lodge proxies electronically) are set out in the Proxy Form to the Notice of Meeting.
In particular, You warrant that the information given by You is accurate and that the Lodgement will not constituent a breach of any Anti-Money Laundering and Exchange Control Laws and regulations.
Bank Fees:We use electronic fund transfers as a default payment method, however, where You make a Lodgement to Us via a method of payment other than electronic funds transfer and We incur a charge from the bank, We reserve the right to pass this fee on to You.
This page is left intentionally blank Conditions of Tendering Lodgement of Tenders Tenders shall be in the form required by the Clause titled “Documents to be Lodged with Tender Form”.