Examples of London Councils in a sentence
These schemes are administered by London Councils on behalf of London boroughs.
London Councils The effective coordination and formulation of policy and discharge of functions and any other related Joint Committees acting on behalf of the constituent authorities and as set out in the Schedules of the Agreement made under sections 101 and 102 of the Local Government Act 1972.
The rate for these duties is in line with the London Council's Leaders Committee's published Scale of Returning Officers' Fees and Expenses.
The Council’s levels of pay for chief officers are regularly benchmarked against other London Councils.
Returning Officer duties (and those of the Deputy Returning Officer) are contractual requirements but fees paid to them for national elections/ referendums are paid in accordance with the appropriate Statutory Fees and Charges Order/Guidance from London Councils.
The LEP, through the GLA, London Councils and other local partners, have developed a range of ESF provision to meet local needs.
No variation to this Agreement, other than variations which [[London Councils] (or any Sectoral joint committee in respect of any matters which fall to be discharged solely by any such Sectoral joint committee) reasonably considers to be minor, shall be valid or effective unless made by one or more instruments in writing signed by all the Parties.
LCIV is the asset pooling body set up originally by London Councils.
Latest information from London Councils indicates that negotiations with Transport for London (TfL) and the Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) will be concluded at the end of November 2017.
The Council has signed up to a Memorandum along with other London Councils, which attempts to address recruitment and retention issues for children’s social workers.