Examples of Long Form Notice of Settlement in a sentence
The General Manager may also issue, under the circumstances set forth above, an order containing a compliance schedule or a time schedule setting forth dates by which specific corrective actions must be completed.
The Organizational and Technical Nature of Mining A coal mine is a complex system.
The Long Form Notice of Settlement Approval Hearing will be mailed, electronically or physically, as may be required, to those persons and entities who have previously contacted Class Counsel for the purposes of receiving notice of developments in the Action.
Electronic publication of the Long Form Notice of Settlement Approval Motion will occur in the English language on a dedicated Canadian Solar Inc.
Class Counsel shall make a toll-free number and email address available to the public that will enable Class Members to obtain more information about the Settlement, the claims process, and to request that a copy of the Settlement Agreement, Long Form Notice of Settlement and the Claim Form be sent electronically or physically to them directly.
Internet Publication Electronic publication of the Long Form Notice of Settlement will occur in the English language on Ontario and British Columbia Class Counsel’s respective websites, and on a dedicated website maintained by the Claims Administrator.
THIS COURT ORDERS that the form and content of the Long Form Notice of Settlement Approval Hearing, substantially in the form attached hereto as Schedule “C”, is hereby approved.
Incentive awards will be processed in a timely and expeditious manner, consistent with Appendix E of the NAF Personnel Policy Manual and other applicable regulations.
You may not transfer any of your rights, duties or obligations under this agreement.18d We will not be liable to you for any losses or costs caused by our compliance with any new regulatory or legislative requirement or for:• anything outside our reasonable control (for example, industrial action or failure of computer systems or the payment system under which we issue your card), including acts of God, if this prevents us from providing our usual service.
Electronic publication of the Long Form Notice of Settlement Approval Hearing will occur in both the English and French languages on a dedicated SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.