Examples of Lothian IJBs in a sentence
This Memorandum of Understanding will be subject to periodic review by a sub-group on behalf of the Pan Lothian Data Sharing Partnership to ensure that the detail, more granular purposes, requirements, procedures and agreements for each of the Lothian IJBs and the functions respectively delegated to them are kept up to date.
Any updated final Protocol, following consultation, will be recommended for signature by Chief Executives of respective organisations, and the Chief Officers of the Lothian IJBs, on behalf of the Pan-Lothian Data Sharing Partnership.
This case is supported by the 4 Lothian IJBs, NHS Borders and Borders IJB and is driven by a genuine desire to provide care for vulnerable patients in the best possible environment to give people the greatest chance of getting better and being able to go home.
NHS Lothian will be required to support the Lothian IJBs, whereas the local authority will have to support the one integration joint board for the local authority area.
NHS Lothian Hospitals Plan The Lothian Hospitals Plan describes the Royal Edinburgh Hospital as one of the four key strategic planning priorities for NHS Lothian alongside the 4 Lothian IJBs and Borders IJB.
IJB Strategic Plans78910 The four Lothian IJBs strategic plans state the intention to support the redesign of the REH campus alongside the development of broader care pathways for people with mental health conditions.
Some of the functions delegated to the Lothian IJBs are currently provided as part of a single Lothian-wide service, commonly referred to as “hosted services”.
Following consultation, all periodically updated Information Sharing Protocols and procedure documents will be recommended for signature by the Chief Executives of respective organisations, and the Chief Officers of the Lothian IJBs. Agreements and procedures will be reviewed annually by the sub group of the Pan- Lothian Data Sharing Partnership, or more frequently if required.
In future versions it will be expected that the Lothian IJBs will take a leading role to develop the strategy.
A group consisting of Chief Officers responsible for hospital functions delegated to the Board and the Chief Officers of the Lothian IJBs will meet periodically to ensure close working arrangements amongst a) Chief Officers and Chief Officers responsible for hospital services and b) Chief Officers responsible for the management of a hosted service on behalf of the Chief Officers of the neighbouring IJBs.