Low-income definition

Low-income means the Adjusted Income for a Family which does not exceed 80 percent of the area median income.
Low-income means income equal to or less than 51 percent of the area median (adjusted by household size). “Moderate income” means income equal to or less than 80 percent of the area median (adjusted by household size). Applicable income limits are determined by HUD on an annual basis for all Oregon counties and metropolitan statistical areas.
Low-income means 50 percent or less of the median gross

Examples of Low-income in a sentence

  • Low income, vulnerable, or medically underserved individuals shall be defined as those Covered California Enrollees who fall below two hundred percent (200%) of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).

More Definitions of Low-income

Low-income means, with respect to any Tenant, an income level not exceeding 50% or 60% of Area Median Gross Income, as provided in Section 4b hereof, or such alternative income level as may be set forth in Appendix A.
Low-income means income that does not exceed eighty percent of the median income for the standard metropolitan statistical area in which the private market rental unit is located; and
Low-income means a household income that is less than or equal to 60% of the AMI for the area in which a Project is located.
Low-income means any person or persons whose actual individual or family income is not more than 125 percent of the poverty guidelines issued annually by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in accordance with Section 507(2) of the Older Americans Act.
Low-income. (SIP) means any person or persons whose actual individual or family income is not more than 125 percent of the poverty guidelines issued annually by the U.S. Department of Labor in accordance with Section 507(2) of the Older Americans Act.
Low-income means median household income at or below sixty-five percent (65%) of the statewide median income for Massachusetts, according to federal census data.
Low-income means household incomes as defined by the