Examples of Maintenance Regulation in a sentence
Please specify the language(s): Please insert text here 10.5. Has the Practical Handbook for Competent Authorities14 on the 2009 EU Maintenance Regulation, the 2007 Hague Child Support Convention and its Protocol (the Romanian project) been adapted and translated into your State’s official language(s)?No YesIf yes, the document is available on the HCCH website.If yes, the document can be made available to the PB in pdf format or is available under the following hyperlink to be posted on the HCCH website.
Such options would align with Article 4 of the Maintenance Regulation, thus ensuring the possibility to consolidate proceedings through a choice of court.
The UK agreed to participate in the Maintenance Regulation only on the basis that applicable law rules were removed from the EU instrument; and further that EC accession to the 2007 Protocol would be done on the basis that the UK was not obliged to participate therein.
It provides similar remedies to the European Maintenance Regulation (see paragraph 2.5 below); between the two instruments synergy is achieved in the process of drafting each.
In cross-border cases, the Brussels IIa Regulation (with its 2019 Recast) or the Maintenance Regulation, and a closer judicial cooperation are key to protect the rights of children and ensure their access to justice.
He then proceeded to the mobile store where he requisitioned three chain blocks which he 1 Lugs are metal rings by which the steel plate was to be lifted into place by means of chain blocks or lifting equipment.
When the former husband did not withdraw his application, James Stewart proceeded with a strike out application on behalf of the former wife.In essence, the former husband had filed an application for a financial order in Form A in the Slough County Court in the belief that this was sufficient to confer jurisdiction onto the English court under Chapter VII of the Maintenance Regulation.
H (“Proposed Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance Regulation, Standardized Regulatory Impact Assessment”).
This aspect of the Maintenance Regulation does not apply to the UK, which applies English law to maintenance cases.
The Maintenance Regulation allows the greatest choice of applicable law.