Examples of Major facility in a sentence
ODYSSEY MARINE EXPLORATION, http://www.shipwreck.net/shipwrecks.php (last visited Dec.
Major facility means a municipal or domestic wastewater treatment plant with a design capacity of one million gallons per day or greater; or any other facility or activity classified as such by the Commissioner.
Major facility projects designed to meet standards identified in this chapter must include building commission- ing as a critical cost-saving part of the construction process.
For purposes of 40 CFR 270.2, the definitions "Approved program or approved State", "Director", "Final authorization", "Interim authorization", "Major facility", "Permit", "State", and "State/EPA Agreement" shall be defined as in 40 CFR 270.2. The definition "Remedial Action Plan (RAP)" as defined in 40 CFR 270.2 is not adopted by the State.
Major facility replacements or rebuilds required as a result of catastrophic destruction or natural aging through normal wear and tear, including financial strategy to facilitate timely replacements and/or rebuilds.