Examples of Making a loan in a sentence
Making a loan" means a loan made to a borrower by a single financial institution, or the purchase of a loan as authorized in section 431‑A.[PL 1997, c.
Making a loan to the officer for a mortgage on real estate which is to be used as the officer's residence as long as the loan does not exceed the fair market value of the property.
Making a loan to an otherwise unqualified control group applicant with such attributes while denying a loan to an otherwise similar prohibited basis group applicant without those attributes is not illegal discrimination.
In this case, the maximum exposure to credit risk is the maximum amount the entity could have to pay if the guarantee is called on, which may be significantly greater than the amount recognized as a liability.(d) Making a loan commitment that is irrevocable over the life of the facility or is revocable only in response to a material adverse change.
Making a loan" means a loan made to a borrower by a single financial institution, or the purchase of a loan as authorized in section 431-A.[ 1997, c.
Making a loan" means a loan made to a borrower by a single financial institution, or the purchase of a loan as authorized in section 431-A.[PL 1997, c.
Making a loan in the amount requested, but with different terms, is not considered an adverse credit decision.
Making a loan payment each month means you have less to spend in other areas or save toward other financial goals.
Making a loan to a friend is one example (as the data show, those kinds of informal loans are quite common).17 Moreover, since it is survey based, data quality depends on the respondent.
That means that making a loan always increases the bank’s capital structure frictions, as shown by the following lemma: Lemma 1 Making a loan increases the bank’s expected capital structure costs, unless that loan’s re- payment is always zero.