Examples of Manageable Costs in a sentence
These costs are often referred to as Manageable Costs per Unit, which includes: building operating costs; con- tracted services, staff and external service providers; office supplies and miscellaneous administrativecosts; corporate overheads such as office space, telephones, technology, insurance; and bad debt ex- pense.12These costs are often combined with ongoing capital costs for a Total Cost per Unit Calculation.
This includes Manageable Costs per Unit, plus mortgages, taxes and capital expenditures divided by the total number of units; it is expressed as a dollar amount.13 While these costs are common acrosssocial housing providers, there are increased costs associated with supportive housing providers spe- cifically, as a result of the additional costs of tenancy support.
Annual Readjustments Manageable Costs Non-manageable Costs New Tariff Review Process Projection of efficiency gains (not appropriated by the DisCo)Tariff PriceEffective efficiency gains (appropriated by the DisCo)...
Diplomas will be awarded under the following guidelines: Regular Diploma:● Successful completion of credit and other requirements set forth by the Ohio Revised Code and the Olmsted Falls Board of Education.● Specific graduation pathway requirements as set forth by The Ohio Department of Education.
This charge is transferred to clients through a specific item in the water supply and sewage services invoice.The following section presents the Company’s comments on the items that make up the costs of sales and services rendered, selling and administrative expenses (excluding construction costs) that presented the most significant changes: 4.2.1. Manageable Costs PersonnelPersonnel expenses increased by 0.7% in relation to the same period in 2019.
Regarding Manageable Costs, PMSO reached R$212.3 million in 2Q20 (R$506 million in 6M20), up by 15.2% (+R$38.8 million) compared to the R$254.9 million recorded in 2Q19 (R$469.2 million in 6M19).
In 1Q19, Manageable Costs and Expenses, which include PMSO (Personnel, Materials, Outsourced Services and Others), Provisions, Depreciation and Other Operating Income (Expenses), totaled R$493 million, representing a decrease of R$36 million compared to 1Q18.