Marbled murrelet nesting platform definition

Marbled murrelet nesting platform means any horizontal tree structure such as a limb, an area where a limb branches, a surface created by multiple leaders, a deformity, or a debris/moss platform or stick nest equal to or greater than 7 inches in diameter including associated moss if present, that is 50 feet or more above the ground in trees 32 inches dbh and greater (generally over 90 years of age) and is capable of supporting nesting by marbled murrelets.
Marbled murrelet nesting platform means any horizontal tree structure such as a limb, an area where a limb branches, a horizontal surface created by multiple leaders, a deformity created by mistletoe infection or branch break, or a debris/moss platform or stick nest equal to or greater than seven inches in width including associated moss if present, that is 50 feet or more above the ground in western hemlock trees 24 inches dbh and greater and in other conifer trees 32 inches dbh and greater and is capable of supporting nesting by marbled murrelets.
Marbled murrelet nesting platform has the same meaning as defined in WAC 000-00-000 and means any horizontal tree structure such as a limb, an area where a limb branches, a surface created by multiple leaders, a deformity, or a debris/xxxx platform or stick nest equal to or greater than 7 inches in diameter including associated xxxx if present, that is 50 feet or more above the ground in trees 32 inches diameter at breast height (dbh) and greater (generally over 90 years of age) and is capable of supporting nesting by marbled murrelets.

More Definitions of Marbled murrelet nesting platform

Marbled murrelet nesting platform means any horizontal tree structure such as a limb, an area
Marbled murrelet nesting platform means any horizontal tree structure such as a limb, an area where limb branches, a surface created by multiple leaders, a deformity, or a debris/xxxx platform or stick nest equal to or greater than 7 inches in diameter including associated xxxx if present, that is 50 feet or more above the ground in trees 32 inches dbh and greater (generally over 90 years of age) and is capable of supporting nesting by marbled murrelets. The amount of “Suitable Marbled Murrelet Habitat” as defined in WAC 000-00-000 on Applicant’s Enrolled Lands is unknown, because the delineation of “suitable habitat” is determined on site-specific basis. To estimate areas of Potential Nesting Habitat, the proposed SHA uses the Applicants existing inventory data for forest stand age and predominant stand type (e.g., western hemlock or Xxxxxxx-fir forest) to classify stands into generalized habitat categories including “Presumed Habitat”, “More-Likely-Than Not-Habitat” and “Marginal Habitat” (Table 3-8). These habitat categories are loosely based on science cited in the WDNR Long-Term Conservation Strategy for Marbled Murrelets, but the concepts discussed in that document are not explicitly adopted or relied upon here. For more detail regarding the scientific basis for these habitat thresholds, see (WDNR and USFWS 2019, Appendix E).
Marbled murrelet nesting platform means any horizontal tree structure such as a limb, an area where a limb branches, a surface created by multiple leaders, a deformity, or a debris/moss platform or stick nest equal to or greater than 7 inches in diameter including associated moss if present, that is 50 feet or more above the ground in trees 32 inches dbh and greater (generally over 90 years of age) and is capable of supporting nesting by marbled murrelets. "Median home range circle" means a circle, with a specified radius, centered on a spotted owl site center. The radius for the median home range circle in the Hoh-Clearwater/Coastal Link SOSEA is 2.7 miles; for all other SOSEAs the radius is 1.8 miles. "Merchantable stand of timber" means a stand of trees that will yield logs and/or fiber: Suitable in size and quality for the production of lumber, plywood, pulp or other forest products; Of sufficient value at least to cover all the costs of harvest and transportation to available markets. "Multiyear permit" means a permit to conduct forest practices which is effective for longer than three years but no longer than five years. "Northern spotted owl site center" means the location of status 1, 2 or 3 northern spotted owls based on the following definitions:
Marbled murrelet nesting platform means any horizontal tree structure such as a limb, an area where a limb branches, a surface created by multiple leaders, a deformity, or a debris/moss platform or stick nest equal to or greater than 7 inches in diameter including associated moss if present, that is
Marbled murrelet nesting platform means any hor- izontal tree structure such as a limb, an area where a limb branches, a surface created by multiple leaders, a deformity, or a debris/moss platform or stick nest equal to or greater than
Marbled murrelet nesting platform means any hor- izontal tree structure such as a limb, an area where a limb branches, a surface created by multiple leaders, a deformity, or a debris/moss platform or stick nest equal to or greater than 7 inches in diameter including associated moss if present, that is 50 feet or more above the ground in trees 32 inches dbh and
Marbled murrelet nesting platform means any hor- izontal tree structure such as a limb, an area where a limb branches, a surface created by multiple leaders, a deformity,