Marine industrial definition

Marine industrial means water dependent industries in direct support of seaport for facilitating waterborne cargo operations, fisheries development and marine construction activities.
Marine industrial means the assembly, production, or storage of finished or semi- finished materials or components into a finished or semi-finished marine product, and includes the production or sale of fishing equipment and supplies, boat construction and dry land boat storage, sales of fisheries products for human consumption, and commercial fishing operations.

Examples of Marine industrial in a sentence

  • Marine industrial uses are of the highest intensity in the MIC, with specific focus on inter-modal break-bulk and container cargo terminals supporting the transfer of cargobetween ship, barge, rail, and truck.

  • In an airline the classes of travel include economy, business and first class.

  • The UTC group includes Otis (elevators, escalators walkways and shuttle systems); Pratt & Whitney ( commercial and military jet engines, rocket engines and space propulsion systems); UTC Flight Systems (flight and fleet control systems and propellers for commercial aircraft and commercial and military helicopters); UT Automotive (car components and systems); Carrier (HVAC equipment for commercial, industrial and residential buildings); and turbo Power and Marine (industrial gas turbines).

  • Marine industrial uses at the Terminal contribute to the health of the local economy and will preserve family-supporting job opportunities to area residents.The businesses located at the Cowichan Bay terminal are valuable stewards of the Cowichan estuary.

  • Speaker.19.12.2014“Energy Developments in 2014”, TRT Radyo-1, Strateji-Küresel Satranç, Istanbul.

  • The Contractor employee shall be familiar with shipboard systems operating requirements, applicable professional/trade standards and practices in a Shipyard or Marine industrial facility environments.

  • Marine industrial uses are of the highest intensity in the MIC, with specific focus on inter-­‐modal break-­‐bulk and container cargo terminals supporting the transfer of cargo between ship, barge, rail, and truck.

  • Location of operations: Singapore Markets served: Asia Pacific Sectors and customers served: Marine, industrial, chemical, pharmaceutical, oil & gas, manufacturing, and transportation and logistics Supply chain: The main types of waste that we treat include oil slop, wastewater, trade effluent and chemical wastes.Refractories and Steel Slag AggregateActivities: We produce monolithic refractories and steel slag aggregate, and trade chemicals.

  • A cultural landscape approach is the most appropriate means to identify, assess and manage the potential effects of subdivision and development on cultural values and significant sites [refer Section 5.8 Issue CL1].

  • Should the staging area measure more than 1 acre, the Contractor will be responsible to apply for and obtain a National General Permit Coverage (NGPC) for Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities from the State Department of Health, Clean Water Branch, including associated fees, before starting any work.

Related to Marine industrial

  • Industrial means lands, buildings or structures used or designed or intended for use for manufacturing, processing, fabricating or assembly of raw goods, warehousing or bulk storage of goods, and includes office uses and the sale of commodities to the general public where such uses are accessory to an industrial use, but does not include the sale of commodities to the general public through a warehouse club;

  • Industrial Services means service to customers engaged primarily in a process which creates or changes raw or unfinished materials into another form or product including the generation of electric power.

  • Industrial park means an area in a blighted or conservation area suitable for use by any manufacturing, industrial, research or transportation enterprise, of facilities to include but not be limited to factories, mills, processing plants, assembly plants, packing plants, fabricating plants, industrial distribution centers, warehouses, repair overhaul or service facilities, freight terminals, research facilities, test facilities or railroad facilities.

  • Marihuana means that term as defined in section 7106 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.7106.

  • Industrial hemp means a plant of the genus Cannabis and any part of the plant, whether growing or not, containing a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of no more than three-tenths of one percent (0.3%) on a dry weight basis.

  • existing industrial building means a building used for or in connection with,

  • Transportation Company means any organization which provides its own or its leased vehicles for transportation or which provides freight forwarding or air express services.

  • China means the People’s Republic of China, excluding, for purposes of this Agreement, Hong Kong, the Macau Special Administrative Region of the PRC and Taiwan.

  • Natural gas company ’ means a person engaged in the transportation of natural gas in interstate commerce, or the sale in inter- state commerce of such gas for resale.

  • Post-Industrial Waste means industrial by-products which would otherwise go to disposal and wastes generated after completion of a manufacturing process, but does not include internally generated scrap commonly returned to industrial or manufacturing processes.

  • Industrial building means a building used for or in connection with,

  • LHSIA means the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006, and the regulations made under it, as it and they may be amended from time to time;

  • Renewable energy means the grid quality electricity generated from renewable energy sources;

  • Energy means electricity, natural gas, steam, hot or chilled water, fuel oil, or other product for use in a building, or renewable on-site electricity generation, for purposes of providing heating, cooling, lighting, water heating, or for powering or fueling other end-uses in the building and related facilities, as reflected in Utility bills or other documentation of actual Energy use.

  • American Indian means those persons for whom services may be provided as an Indian pursuant to 25 USC 1603(13), 1603(28), or 1679(a), or 42 CFR § 136.12.

  • Michigan economic development corporation means the public body corporate created under section 28 of article VII of the state constitution of 1963 and the urban cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512, by a contractual interlocal agreement effective April 5, 1999, as amended, between local participating economic development corporations formed under the economic development corporations act, 1974 PA 338, MCL 125.1601 to 125.1636, and the Michigan strategic fund. If the Michigan economic development corporation is unable for any reason to perform its duties under this act, those duties may be exercised by the Michigan strategic fund.

  • Next Michigan development corporation means that term as defined in section 3 of the next Michigan development act, 2010 PA 275, MCL 125.2953.

  • Airport means public-use airport open to the public without prior permission and without restrictions within the physical capacities of available facilities.

  • Transportation network company means a company or organization facilitating and/or providing transportation services using a computer or digital application or platform to connect or match passengers with drivers for compensation or a fee.

  • Production company means a person or entity engaged in the business of making motion picture, television, or radio images for theatrical, commercial, advertising, or education purposes; Reserved

  • PTE means a prohibited transaction class exemption issued by the U.S. Department of Labor, as any such exemption may be amended from time to time.

  • Crown means the government of the United Kingdom (including the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive Committee, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales), including, but not limited to, government ministers and government departments and particular bodies, persons, commissions or agencies from time to time carrying out functions on its behalf;

  • Mainland China means the People’s Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan).

  • Farmland means land actively devoted to agricultural or

  • Brewery means a commercial enterprise at a single location producing more than fifty thousand (50,000) barrels per year of malt beverage;

  • Basin means a groundwater basin or subbasin identified and defined in Bulletin 118 or as modified pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 10722).