Marker definition
Examples of Marker in a sentence
The information in these exhibits filed by Plaintiffs includes such information as the date of alleged service (if any), whether a defendant had filed a notice of appearance, whether a defendant had filed a short form answer, whether a Plaintiff Fact Sheet had been uploaded to Marker Group, whether a Defense Fact Sheet had been served, and whether a defendant had sent a deficiency letter related to the Plaintiff Fact Sheet.
The Engineer will measure the items “Reference Marker – Type ”, “Object Markers – Type ”, and “Object Markers – Culverts” by each location.
Drive the Berntsen Steel Nail Marker into the pavement until the top of the Steel Nail Marker is countersunk below the surrounding finished asphalt pavement as shown on the plan details.
C.3 Berntsen BP1 Brass MarkerDrill a hole in the finished concrete pavement using a Berntsen “Survey Marker Countersink Drill Bit”, Item # BPMDRL.
Marker Tape to be compliant with CESWI and Water Fittings Regulations.