Market and Consumer Research definition
Examples of Market and Consumer Research in a sentence
Marketing Expenses shall be the sum of Marketing Management, Market and Consumer Research, Advertising, Trade Promotion, Consumer Promotion, and Education Expenses (each of which is specified below), and the cost of performing Non-Registrational Trials (as defined in Section 1.44).
Federal Register citation for the SORN 77 FR _67802 .Title: CFPB.022 Market and Consumer Research Records .
X ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not Applicable If yes, cite the SORN.Title: CFPB.022 Market and Consumer Research Records FR: 77 FR 67802).
Market and Consumer Research: There is a wealth of information online.
Marketing Expenses shall be the sum of Selling Expenses, Marketing Management, Market and Consumer Research, Advertising, Trade Promotion, Consumer Promotion, and Education Expenses, each of which is specified below, and all other costs which are generally consistent with the Marketing Plan and attributable to the sale, promotion or marketing of Licensed Products.